Trafficking of Oxycodone

The attorneys at the Umansky Law Firm were successful in having a client found not guilty of trafficking in Oxycodone, despite a videotaped confession. The client was a young man who had been seriously injured in a car accident, which herniated two of his discs. After the accident, he was treated by a physician who prescribed him Oxycodone. As the client continued treating his injury, he found that it took more and more of the drug to stop the pain. He began to take more of the drug than he was prescribed because of his growing tolerance.  He also found that if he did not continue to increase the dosage of the drug, he would become physically ill as a result of withdrawals. He became involved in the subculture of the pill while addicted, associating with other addicts who trade their prescriptions among each other as their supply dwindles. During this time, he met a young man whom he befriended, and with whom he would exchange these pills. That individual decided that he would go to work for the police ratting out his friends.

He repeatedly called the client, pressuring him to meet with an undercover agent to buy 100 pills, a trafficking amount carrying a minimum of three years prison, even for a person with no prior criminal history. The client repeatedly told the snitch he was not interested, but ultimately succumbed to the constant pressure of his “friend”. He was arrested paying $700 in cash to an undercover officer who handed him the 10 pills and then ordered the client to be taken down prior to leaving the agent’s car. Under cross-examination the agent admitted that there was no monitoring of the snitch at all during his conversations with the client, and that he had no idea what persuasion, threats or intimidation that snitch had used to get the client to agree to meet with the agent. One of our reputable attorneys was able to convince the jury that the client had been entrapped by improper police conduct, utilizing a snitch without sufficient safeguards to ensure that he was not inducing someone to commit a crime he never would have committed on his own. Instead of three years mandatory prison, with the possibility of thirty years of prison, the client left the trial a free man.

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    Trafficking of Oxycodone