Eustis Personal Injury Lawyer

Suffering an injury in an accident means time away from work, physical pain, and the limitations that the injuries cause. If you are lucky, you will heal completely in a few weeks, and life will return to normal. In other cases, you might be dealing with the injury’s impacts for the rest of your life.

A Eustis personal injury lawyer could help you, whether your injuries caused temporary disruption or led to life-altering consequences. If another party’s negligence had a part in the accident, they could be liable to pay compensation for your losses.

Speak with a local personal injury attorney as soon as possible after your accident. The team at The Umansky Law Firm could review your case and explain whether a lawsuit is a viable option.

Types of Cases a Personal Injury Attorney Handles

Accidents happen in various ways and it might merit a personal injury lawsuit if a party was careless or reckless, and their conduct caused harm to someone else. A lawsuit also could be possible if a party intentionally caused injury to another person.

A personal injury lawyer handles cases where they can prove another party’s conduct caused an injury. These situations often arise because of:

Many other incidents could give rise to a personal injury case. A Eustis personal injury attorney could investigate an accident to determine its cause. If evidence exists that an incident happened because someone did not take reasonable care to protect others from harm, a civil lawsuit might be appropriate.

Do Not Delay Consulting an Attorney

Although injured people have the right to seek compensation when negligence causes their injury, that right is not unlimited. The state imposes timeframes for legal action. A person who does not file a lawsuit within the timeframe loses the right to sue.

Florida Statutes § 95.11(3) demands people file a lawsuit seeking damages for personal injuries resulting from negligence within two years of the injury date. However, if the state or a local government might have liability, the injured person must file a claim within a few months of the incident. A Eustis attorney could preserve an injured person’s rights by keeping track of all applicable deadlines.

Tragically, sometimes injuries are fatal. The family of a person who suffered life-ending injuries in an accident could bring a wrongful death lawsuit against the negligent parties but they must do it within two years of their loved one’s death.

Collecting Compensation in Injury Lawsuits

Someone who suffers injuries due to someone else’s negligence is entitled to recoup their losses, called damages. In a personal injury lawsuit, damages include the person’s out-of-pocket expenses plus payment to acknowledge their pain and suffering. Unlike many states, Florida does not cap the damages a person could receive in an injury lawsuit.

However, the negligent party’s insurance coverage could limit the damages a person can collect. A negligent party is personally liable for damages exceeding their insurance coverage. However, as a practical matter, damages that exceed insurance coverage are often uncollectable unless the negligent party has substantial assets. A Eustis injury attorney could investigate a defendant’s coverage and assets to determine whether filing a lawsuit is worthwhile.

Sometimes a negligent party asserts that the claimant is at fault for their injury. A partially responsible claimant can still collect damages from other liable parties. Even if a claimant is 90 percent at fault for their injuries, they could collect 10 percent of their damages from others.

Contact a Eustis Personal Injury Attorney to Discuss Your Accident Claim

If you were hurt in an accident that was at least partially someone else’s fault, you could have a personal injury claim. The negligent party’s insurer could owe you for your property damage, medical expenses, lost income, and your pain and suffering.

You deserve compensation for your losses. Speak with a Eustis personal injury attorney about your situation today.

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    Eustis Personal Injury Lawyer