Orlando College Student Defense Lawyer

As a college student, you are at an exciting crossroad in your life. You are making a lot of decisions that will impact the rest of your life. From deciding on a field of study to the daily choices you make as you adjust to life on your own. If a poor decision results in an arrest, a single criminal charge can result in severe consequences.

The Orlando college student defense lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm understand the fears you have of getting a criminal record as a student. We will work with you to minimize the impact on your:

  • Academic status, including the possibility of expulsion
  • A potential loss of scholarships
  • Eligibility for federal student loans
  • Future career goals, especially those involving background checks

You are likely drawn to exciting events as you seek to want to enjoy your college experience thoroughly. After all, you are a member of the student body at a well-known educational institution.

Our respected criminal defense attorneys are dedicated to working with college students and their parents to help them through a stressful and uncertain time. When we represent students accused of a crime, our focus is on securing second chances for our clients.

College Students We Represent

We represent students from any school in Florida, including:

For University of Central Florida students, we can specifically help with:

Be sure to work with an experienced attorney who understands the collateral consequences of a conviction for a promising college student.

Experienced Defense for Criminal & Disciplinary Proceedings

While an immediate plea of guilty may be an option to resolve the case, that admission only creates more problems. A college student speaking to police or prosecutors prior to getting legal help only makes a bad situation worse. It compromises his or her rights at a time that those rights need protection. Learn more about college student attorneys in Orlando.

At The Umansky Law Firm, we spend time with students and their parents and help them through a stressful and uncertain time. At our firm, we represent students at all area universities.

Our focus is on securing second chances for our clients. When it comes to a promising future of a college student, it is vital that your lawyer help the student focus on the potential long-term consequences of a criminal charge, especially if the student is facing charges of:

Former Prosecutors Protecting the Rights of College Students

When we represent students accused of a crime, our focus is on securing second chances for our clients. Be sure to work with an experienced Orlando attorney who understands the collateral consequences of a conviction for a college student. We represent Orlando college students accused of all types of criminal acts, including:

College Students Charged With Assault and Battery

Altercations between college students often occur, whether it be at a party after a few beers or between roommates who never got along. However, there are also instances when seemingly insignificant arguments turn into physical altercations, and depending on the facts of the incident, both individuals may wind up facing battery charges. Many are unaware, but one may also face assault charges for even the threat of violence.

College Students Charged With Racing & Reckless Driving

One common connotation with all young people is irresponsible behavior behind the wheel of a vehicle. One of the most common versions of that is reckless driving and racing. Seeing who can make it to the next traffic light first may seem like a harmless game between friends, but the potential danger commuters and pedestrians are put in is why law enforcement are so tough on offenders.

College Students Facing Drug Charges

The first time many people experiment with drugs is in college, but being a college student doesn’t make you above the law. Police officers will still arrest you and prosecutors will press charges if you are caught in possession of marijuana or any other illegal drug as a college student. Prescription pills and over-the-counter drugs are no exception.

College Students Arrested for DUI

Alcohol is a mainstay throughout college parties. No matter if you planned to drink and drive or not, by doing so you make yourself susceptible to a DUI conviction. Driving under the influence of drugs is also illegal, and an officer suspects you of doing so can have you arrested and jailed.

Sexual Assault Charges for College Students

Sexual assault cases commonly plague college campuses. Although the facts of the individual incidents may vary, they all share the theme of someone feeling as if they were taking advantage of sexually against their will. Serious repercussions come as a result of a conviction for sexual assault charges including mandatory sex offender registration.

Fight for a Second Chance with an Orlando College Student Defense Attorney

At The Umansky Law Firm, our Orlando college student defense lawyers are committed to fully representing college students facing criminal charges. We know that you have worked too hard to have a single mistake derail your career goals and future plans.

To schedule a free initial consultation with an  Orlando college student lawyer, contact us today.

The Umansky Law Firm Criminal Defense & Injury Attorneys

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    Orlando College Student Defense Lawyer