Refusal to Sign Citation Gets Dismissed

Attorney Zahra Umansky of the Umansky Law Firm represented a client charged with the criminal traffic violation of refusal to sign a traffic citation in Orlando, Florida. The client allegedly accepted the traffic ticket from the Orlando police officer but did not sign the ticket. Attorney Umansky argued to the judge and prosecutor that the Defendant did not commit the crime because the statute requires the Defendant to both willfully refuse to accept and sign the traffic citation. Attorney Umansky was successful in convincing the prosecutor to dismiss the criminal charge! Though this dismissal seems like an anomaly for most cases of uniform, standard ticket issuances, our attorneys have experience handling many different scenarios that would grant the dismissal of a citation.

Our Orlando traffic lawyers have dealt with numerous cases concerning traffic citations. These citations have ranged from rolling through a stop sign to now having to deal with secondary offenses like texting while driving.  Anything from racing charges, speeding, driving too fast for conditions or without a license – we have attorneys that will stand by you in court no matter how petty you perceive the charge to be. For professional legal representation, contact the attorneys at The Umansky Law Firm today by calling (407)228-3838.

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    Refusal to Sign Citation Gets Dismissed