Winter Springs Criminal Defense Lawyer

For someone who has never had legal issues before, getting arrested can be a traumatizing experience. You may have seen people get arrested, but never experienced it personally. Rather than being greeted and welcomed by Winter Springs law enforcement like the average citizen would, you are confronted aggressively. The officer has you turn around and place your hands behind your back as he clanks on those cold metal cuffs and guides you to the backseat of the squad car. As you are being transported to the local precinct, you ask yourself “How did this all happen?” One moment you were freely living life, and the next you’re being handled like a convicted prisoner. It is vital you know that you do have legal experts ready to go to work on your behalf.

The Winter Springs criminal defense lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm have over 100 years of combined experience practicing law in the Greater Central Florida area and are dedicated to the success of their clients. Having experience as former prosecutors on the state and local level, they are well-aware of tactics the other side will likely implement to get a conviction. They can use that knowledge to your benefit and help prepare you for your day in court. Trust the seasoned lawyers with The Umansky Law Firm to best position you for a favorable court ruling.

Common Criminal Offenses in Winter Springs

Criminal law is a broad practice area that includes many offenses that require extensive legal know how. One of the worst things you can do is entrust your robbery case with an attorney who primarily handles DUI cases. Although both are associated with criminal law, they are much different at their core and require the legal attention of an attorney with expert knowledge of that specific criminal offense. At the Umansky Law Firm, we house lawyers who can defend against charges for:

  • Domestic abuse
  • Sex crimes
  • Theft
  • Fraud
  • Violation of probation
  • Assault
  • Battery
  • Cybercrime
  • DUI

Your criminal law attorney should have a history of representing clients who’ve faced similar charges. The only way to find such an attorney is by being proactive in your search for criminal defense.

Immediate Actions After Winter Springs Arrest

Many people assume that they have more time to secure legal representation than they actually do. In Florida, you are required to see the judge within 24 hours of your arrest. This is commonly referred to as the First Appearance. The judge will decide if the arresting officer had probable cause to make the arrest and if you are eligible for release. It is vital that you have secured an attorney before this hearing so that he or she can start negotiations with the prosecution. If the First Appearance has already passed, you still have time to secure an attorney before your day in court.

Find an Aggressive Winter Springs Criminal Defense Attorney

The Winter Springs criminal defense attorneys at The Umansky Law Firm can provide trustworthy and aggressive legal representation and fight to have charges lessened or even dropped if possible. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.


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    Winter Springs Criminal Defense Lawyer