Criminal Mischief and Violation of Pretrial Condition

Orlando Defense Attorney Helps Clients Facing Injunctions

Attorney Chris Kaigle with the Umansky Law Firm succeeded in having a client’s case dropped after discussing the case with the prosecutor. The client was charged with criminal mischief in one case and violation of a pretrial release condition in a domestic violence case. Both charges were misdemeanor offenses but could have resulted in the client spending time in jail. The client also had an injunction (order of protection) issued against him as a result of the cases.

Mr. Kaigle met with the alleged victim in the domestic violence case who stated that the entire incident was a misunderstanding. She informed the attorney that she did not wish to proceed further and wanted both cases, and the injunction, dismissed. Mr. Kaigle pointed this out to the court and the court agreed to dismiss the injunction. He then contacted the prosecutor and, after much discussion and the filing of a declination of prosecution, the prosecutor agreed to drop both cases. At the end of the day, all charges and allegations were dismissed and the client avoided jail time, probation, and a conviction on his criminal record.

In another case, Chris Kaigle successfully had an injunction against a client dismissed. The client’s child’s mother had filed an injunction against him. Had the judge granted the injunction, the client would have been prevented from having any contact with his child. To fight the allegations, and as a show of force, the attorney subpoenaed the Department of Children and Families, as well as several witnesses that have close contact with the child and would testify that the client was an outstanding parent. After that, the mother decided to dismiss the injunction and the client was, once again, reunited with his child.

Work with an Attorney to Fight Domestic Violence Charges in Orlando

People are often charged with criminal domestic violence offenses for misunderstandings between spouses or romantic partners. A misdemeanor domestic violence conviction can lead to jail time and the loss of your Second Amendment rights. Simply because you face misdemeanor charges does not mean the charges are not serious enough to warrant an attorney.

Domestic violence cases need the special care of an attorney who has experience handling such matters. If you have a case similar to the one our attorney handled, contact us to discuss how we can help you. Our attorneys are committed to helping you preserve your rights and your future. Call 407-228-3838 or contact us online to discuss your case for free.

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    Criminal Mischief and Violation of Pretrial Condition