Two Disorderly Conduct Cases For Loud Music Dropped and Dismissed

Our client was arrested for Disorderly Conduct by the Maitland Police Department in Orange County, two different times, for allegedly playing his music too loud at his house. His neighbor complained that his music was affecting her use and enjoyment of her home. She indicated that she could not sleep and could hardly stand to be home because of the Client’s music.

An Attorney of the Umansky Law Firm represented the Client in both cases. In the first case, our attorney convinced the State Attorney’s Office not to file formal charges on the case. The Umansky attorney was able to convince the prosecutor that there was not enough evidence in the case. In the second Disorderly Conduct Case, approximately 6 months after the first, the Maitland Police Department mounted a more detailed case against the Defendant. This case included sworn statements from multiple neighbors. Due to the more detailed case and the Client’s history with this offense, the State pursued the formal charge of Disorderly Conduct against the Client.

The Attorney at the Umansky Law Firm filed a Motion to Dismiss citing that, even with the additional evidence, it still was not enough to prove the case against the Client. The Judge agreed and dismissed the case against our client.

This goes to show why, for even a seemingly small offense like disorderly conduct, it helps to have a skilled Orlando criminal defense attorney represent your interests.

Disorderly Conduct Charges in Florida

Disorderly Conduct or Breach of Peace takes place when an individual disrupts the peace. It’s a broad offense law enforcement use to arrest people displaying unruly behavior. The offense is a second-degree misdemeanor offense which can lead to jail, probation, and fines.

Under §877.03 of the Florida Statutes, the offense includes any act deemed sufficient to:

  • Corrupt the public morals
  • outrage the sense of public decency
  • affect the peace and quiet of persons

The statute also covers brawling or fighting.

If you are convicted of Disorderly Conduct in Florida, you may face up to 60 days in jail, and/or 6 months of probation, and/or a $500.00 fine. First-time offenders risk the creation of a permanent criminal record upon arrest. They are more likely to face a probation sentence which may include community service. Those with an extensive criminal past are more likely than not to be sentenced to jail.

Being arrested for Disorderly Conduct can lead to many different outcomes. Disorderly Conduct charges may accompany more serious criminal charges. If you’re facing jail time and/or fines because of Disorderly Conduct, call (407) 228-3838 or contact us for a free consultation.

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    Two Disorderly Conduct Cases For Loud Music Dropped and Dismissed