Suspended License Cases Dropped

A client of The Umansky Law Firm was charged with Driving While License Suspended. Attorney Zahra Umansky put together a compelling defense and showed proof to the Prosecutor and to the Judge that the client had her driver’s license reinstated after the stop. Attorney Umansky got the court to dismiss criminal charges against client.

Offenses include jail time, hefty fines, and even the seizure of your vehicle under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act in Florida.  Being habitualized as a driver is also very severe.  There is also a difference between driving while license suspended with or without knowledge.


Client was charged with Driving on a Suspended License for the second time. Our client hired us on both cases (a previous one and this one). Our client was arrested on the second charge by the same officer as the first case. Our client was not able to get a valid license due to a problem that occurred out of state. The Defendant was sleeping in his car outside of his own place of business when he was approached by the officer and arrested.

Defendant was awaiting on his wife to get to him and drive him home. Technically, the Defendant was in actual physical control of the vehicle in a place/ roadway that was open to the public. But, because of the facts of the case, we were able to convince the prosecutor to amend the charge to a civil traffic infraction with a small fine, instead of the criminal charge. The client, as soon as he gets his issues resolved out of state, will be able to get a Florida Driver’s License. This case will not affect him.


Client paid a Driving on a Suspended License without Knowledge citation. The client did this without knowing that this would be her third strike within a five year period and would cause her to be a Habitual Traffic Offender. Client got notice in the mail that her license would be suspended for 5 years. Client was as single mom that worked two jobs. The Client knew that she could not get by without a valid license.

The Client came into the Umansky Law Firm and hired us to help fix her license. We filed a Motion with the Court trying to get the judge to change her conviction on the case, therefore removing the Habitual Traffic Offender Status. It worked! The Court granted the Motion. Within one month, she was back on the road driving with a valid driver’s license!


Our client was pulled over and when the police officer did a driver’s license check, the officer realized that our client had a suspended license out of Washington. Despite the fact that our client had a valid Florida driver’s license, the police officer filed criminal charges against our client under Florida Statute 322.30 which prohibits a person from operating a motor vehicle in Florida under a foreign driver’s license while their Florida driver’s license is suspended. As a result, the client was facing up to 60 days in the county jail, a conviction on his record, and fines and court costs.

We filed a Motion to Dismiss with the Court and argued that the client was not in violation of the law since he had a valid Florida driver’s license. After a careful reading of the statute and examination of all the evidence, the Judge agreed and dismissed the case.  Despite the fact that you may not have done anything wrong and may have been in complete compliance with the law, you can’t expect the police officer or the prosecutor to drop or dismiss the case for you.

We had a client come to us with a number of problems with their driver’s license. The first thing that had to be dealt with was that he was on probation for two driving on suspended license cases. He had been put on probation in May and when he came to The Umansky Law Firm, he had already violated that probation. The violations were a little trivial; he said that he hadn’t paid his collections court payment, and then he had done a class one day late, but they were violations, nevertheless. Also, he found out that the public defender’s office had pled him out to these previous two driving on suspended license, but there was a third one that nobody had taken care of. He came to us with these three open cases: the two violations of probation, and a driving on suspended license case. While we were looking over the cases, we talked to the client and looked over his driver’s license record and decided we would be able to fix the license’s status and get it out of habitual traffic offender’s status.

Four different motions were filed in this particular case to fix his license. The judge granted all four of them and took away some of the strikes that the client had against him, meaning he was able to get back a valid license. The client immediately went and got a valid license, so it helped tremendously when went to court on the violation of probation cases for driving on a suspended license and the client had a valid license. The judge basically looked at the violations, agreed that they were trivial, and with the fact that the client now had a license, he dismissed both violations of probation. The client now didn’t have any other violation on probation to deal with.

At this point, the client did have this final case of driving on a suspended license, but because the client had a valid license back, the violation of probations were dismissed. The prosecutor in that courtroom settled by giving our client a fine, and our client was able to walk away with a valid license, no violations of probation, and a small fine for that last case.

Contact Your Orlando Suspended License Lawyer

Although we can’t guarantee the outcome of your case, we can guarantee we will do our best to fight for you and your rights. With over 100 years of traffic-related case experience between our attorneys collectively, we attain the skills and know-how to determine and execute your best available case strategy. Our founder Bill Umansky has been featured or quoted on an abundance of national media outlets and affiliates, including The Wall Street Journal, NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, Newsweek and USA Today. As a nationally recognized law firm, we work hard to provide second chances to Central Florida residents in needs. Contact our office today for your free case review.

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    Suspended License Cases Dropped