Clermont Perjury Lawyer

Whenever you are summoned to appear before a court or otherwise make a verbal or written statement “under oath,” you are required to be truthful in everything you say, to the fullest extent possible. Any failure to be honest during an official court or government proceeding, whether accidental or intentional, could potentially lead to you facing criminal charges for perjury, the consequences of which could be much more severe than the criminal charge(s) that the proceeding was originally about.

No matter what circumstances led to you being accused of this offense, handling a perjury charge can be difficult without guidance from a seasoned criminal defense attorney. Fortunately, the help you likely need to pursue the favorable case result is available from a capable Clermont perjury lawyer from The Umansky Law Firm.

Understanding Perjury as a Criminal Offense

According to Chapter 837 of the Florida Statutes, someone commits perjury—sometimes alternatively referred to as “giving a false statement”—if, while under oath during a government proceeding, they intentionally make a statement verbally or in writing which they do not believe to be true about a “material matter” to the proceeding. In this context, a “material matter” is anything which could affect the proceeding’s eventual outcome or the course the proceeding takes towards an outcome, with no regard to whether the matter is legally admissible for the proceeding in question.

Notably, someone who makes two directly contradictory statements about the same material matter during the same government proceeding can be prosecuted for and convicted of perjury under Florida Statutes § 837.021 even if the prosecution cannot establish which of the two statements was false. Law enforcement authorities can also charge someone specifically under Fla. Stat. §§ 837.05 through 837.06 for knowingly giving false information to law enforcement or government authorities outside of a formal proceeding.

How a Perjury Allegation Could Affect Your Life

The severity of penalties which you could face upon conviction for perjury or giving a false statement in Florida will depend on the circumstances under which you allegedly gave the statement in question. Giving a false statement in writing with intent to mislead a public servant trying to perform their official duties is only a second-degree misdemeanor.

Conversely, committing perjury during an official government proceeding—meaning any proceeding heard before a representative of any government agency or body—is a third-degree felony in most situations. It is a second-degree felony if the proceeding is specifically related to the prosecution of a capital felony. As any experienced Clermont perjury attorney knows, even a mere accusation of lying to a court or administrative body could do substantial damage to your personal and professional reputation. It may also lead to fines, prison time, and loss of civil rights associated with a felony conviction.

What Could Legal Counsel Do to Help?

There is only one affirmative defense to perjury or false statement charges codified in the Florida Statutes. Specifically, Fla. Stat. § 837.07 allows “recantation” of a false statement if the defendant admits to it while the proceeding is still ongoing. The recantation only applies if the statement has not already substantially affected the proceeding and it has not already become clear that the false statement is about to be exposed.

Outside of this scenario, contesting an allegation of perjury generally means proving that the statement in question was actually true, that the defendant sincerely believed their statement to be true, or that the statement was not actually material to the proceeding. Support from a seasoned perjury defense lawyer in Clermont will be essential to applying any of these defense strategies.

Contact a Clermont Perjury Attorney Today

Perjury is taken extremely seriously by the Florida court system, and convictions for this type of offense are often harshly prosecuted, specifically to discourage other people from committing them in the future. However, that does not mean it is impossible to fight back against an allegation, or that you do not have help available to you from experienced legal professionals in doing so.

A Clermont perjury lawyer from our team could be the steadfast ally you need to protect your rights and best interests throughout your legal proceedings. Call us today to learn more about the ways we help you defend against a charge of lying under oath.

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    Clermont Perjury Lawyer