Sexual Predator vs. Sex Offender in Orlando

sexual predator defense orlando

Being convicted of a sex crime is no laughing matter. While the offenses listed under sex crimes can vastly vary, all of those found guilty face being labeled as a sex offender. This remains true for an underage teenager who engages in consensual sex with another minor but is caught in the caught in the act by a parent who chooses to file criminal charges. If convicted, that same teenager can find himself labeled the same as an individual who was found guilty for groping women. While all of those convicted of sex crimes must register as sex offenders, what’s the difference between a sex offender and a sexual predator in Orlando?

What is a Sexual Predator?

Being labeled a sexual predator is a serious step beyond being classified as a sex offender. One can be designated as a sexual predator under the Florida Commercial Driver’s License Statute. Florida Statute 775.21 explains in-depth what it means to be a sexual predator in Florida:

  1. You are convicted of a qualifying capital, life, or first-degree felony sex crime OR have two or more qualifying sex offenses
  2. You have two convictions of qualifying felony sex offenses civilly committed under the Florida Jimmy Ryce Sexually Violent Predator Act.

If you have a prior conviction for a sex crime, especially if it involved children or violence, you are at risk of being classified as a sexual predator.

Get the legal help you need, immediately. Contact The Umansky Law Firm online to discuss your case. Our criminal defense lawyers are all former prosecutors with years of experience tackling difficult sex crime and violent crime cases. Get us on your team as soon as you believe you are under investigation for a sex crime so that we can start crafting a defense to any and all charges you may be facing.

Sexual Predators are Treated Differently

Anyone with a sex crime conviction is required, under Megan’s Law, to register with the state as a sex offender. Although it is difficult, it is possible for some people who have been classified as sex offenders to petition to have their name removed from the Florida sex offender registry if they received a full pardon or their conviction was set aside. That is not the case, however, for sexual predators.

See Florida Statute 943.04354 for special circumstances where a person can remove their requirement to register as a sex offender or sexual predator.

Call an Orlando Attorney About Being Classified as a Sex Offender or Predator

At The Umansky Law Firm, when we handle a repeat sex offense case, our attorneys look at both the physical evidence and the psychological issues that could be a factor for the victim or the “offender.” Whenever possible, we seek to prove our client’s innocence. If psychological treatment is necessary, we look for ways to help our client get help while minimizing damaging punishments.

If you have been charged with a sex crime in the past, have been accused of child molestation, or arrested for a new sex offense and you are worried about being classified as a sexual predator, contact our Orlando criminal lawyers day or night. You can call us for a free case evaluation with an experienced sex crime defense attorney who can make you aware of your legal options.

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    Sexual Predator vs. Sex Offender in Orlando