Determining Settlement Amounts in a Personal Injury Claim

Most people who are considering a personal injury lawsuit or wrongful death claim have little or no idea what their case is worth. Some are looking for a “fair” settlement — others are looking for as much money as possible.

What kind of settlement offer can you reasonably expect? One thing is for certain. If you are not working with a lawyer, the offer you initially receive from the insurance company will be low.

It’s the job of a personal injury lawyer to work with the injured person, his or her doctors, rehabilitation experts and financial analysts to document the full cost of the injuries today and into the future. Without clear proof of these costs, the insurance company will not provide full payment.

Even with this evidence, it frequently is a fight.

Learn more about the amount of compensation you can receive for the following injuries:

What Goes Into a Personal Injury Settlement?

There are a number of expenses and losses for which you can be reimbursed, including:

  • Past and future medical treatment
  • Rehabilitation treatment
  • Cost of medications and medical devices
  • Equipment you may need for daily living if you have a temporary or permanent disability
  • Mileage to and from treatment and doctor appointments
  • Nursing or live-in care if you are unable to care for yourself
  • Lost wages if you are unable to work, and loss of earning potential if you have become disabled and your career will be affected
  • Pain and suffering
  • Compensation to your family for the loss of your services

This is only a partial list of possible reimbursable expenses. Your lawyer will work with you to document all expenses, and may work with an economist to understand your likely future expenses, and then present a factually-sound case to the insurance company or to the judge or jury if need be.

Call an Orlando Attorney to determine Settlement Amounts in Your Claim

Before you agree to any financial settlement, contact a lawyer at the Umansky Law Firm. We work to ensure you receive a full and fair financial settlement in any type of personal injury case. We represent clients in communities throughout central Florida.

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    Determining Settlement Amounts in a Personal Injury Claim