Cocoa Beach Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Placing a loved one in a nursing home is often a heart-wrenching decision. Most Brevard County nursing homes proudly provide compassionate care, but sometimes, the unthinkable happens. Abusive residents, lack of staffing, and unscrupulous employees contribute to problems.

No matter the reason, if your family member is harmed because of substandard care or criminal behavior, you can do something about it. Be vigilant and pay attention to results from government inspections. You may be able to file a personal injury claim if someone was abused or neglected in one of these facilities. We offer guidance from one of our Cocoa Beach nursing home abuse lawyers.

Intentional Abuse is the Most Egregious

While nursing home abuse is often perpetrated against patients with dementia or who are disabled, it could happen to any resident for a variety of reasons. Intentional abuse is a crime and can include sexual and physical trauma such as rape, assault, and battery. It can also include theft of jewelry, credit cards, and cash or checks. When visiting, you should be concerned and prepare to act when your loved one:

  • Is noticeably withdrawn
  • Shows bruising, welts, has broken bones staff claim are from a fall
  • Exhibits fear when certain staff members or fellow patients enter the room
  • Complains of poor treatment
  • Develops pelvic pain, swelling, rashes, or is diagnosed with an STD

Other intentional abuse, such as intimidating a patient to cover up wrongdoing can relate to stealing valuables. Check your loved one’s accounts and know where their jewelry is kept. Our Cocoa Beach nursing home abuse attorneys can report abuse to the proper authorities, ensure your loved one is removed to a safe location, and seek compensation for the patient and family for the losses they endured.

Neglect is Nursing Home Abuse

More often than physical and sexual abuse, nursing homes and staff are guilty of neglect, a form of abuse that involves failing to provide a safe, healthy, positive environment for residents. Our attorneys believe our most vulnerable citizens deserve quality care and to live in dignity.

Unfortunately, more than half of all nursing home patients fall each year (predominantly when they are unattended) and often left on the floor, unable to get up for hours, which adds to their distress. Other neglectful acts, often due to a lack of caregivers or inadequate employee training, include:

  • Leaving immobile patients in bed so long they develop bedsores
  • Failing to change incontinent patients who develop rashes and infections
  • Making medication errors
  • Failing to ensure patients are hydrated and eating well

Our attorneys have a successful track record of proving negligence in these cases. Negligence occurs when caregivers, including nursing home owners, management, and employees, breach the duty to give quality care that would be expected of a reasonable person in the same situation, and the breach is the direct cause of harm to the patient. When negligence or intentional harm is established, we hold those responsible to compensate the family if the patient dies.

Compensation in Nursing Home Abuse Cases

When nursing home patients are injured because of caregivers’ or owners’ negligent acts, they are entitled to be compensated for their losses, which can include economic and non-economic damages and wrongful death injuries for family.

Economic damage includes medical care to treat the wounds from abusive behavior and the cost of moving the patient to a safe haven. Non-economic damages compensate patients for suffering and the emotional trauma from being abused.

Florida’s Comparative Negligence Law

If a nursing home resident in Cocoa Beach contributes to their injuries, such as taunting another resident who is known to lash out and does so, the court will consider how to split fault for injuries under Florida’s comparative negligence laws, changed dramatically in March 2023. Before that, a plaintiff responsible for up to 99 percent of an accident that harms them could recover a damages award. Currently, the plaintiff cannot be more than 50 percent liable to invoke this rule. Awards are reduced to the percentage of fault a jury assigns to the defendant.

Call and See How a Cocoa Beach Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Advocates for Your Family

Most Brevard County nursing home residents receive competent care and are safe and comfortable. But if you suspect your loved one is being abused in a care facility, you must act immediately. Our attorneys know how to report it, and fight for justice for the vulnerable by filing regulatory complaints and lawsuits to compensate the patient.

Florida shortened the time you have to file a lawsuit from four years to two, so contact us right away if you suspect abuse of your loved one. Our legal team champions families, and a Cocoa Beach nursing home abuse lawyer is waiting for your call.

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    Cocoa Beach Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer