Cocoa Beach Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

When another motorist makes a mistake that causes you harm, it can completely uproot your life. When you are out of work, must seek urgent medical care, or lose a loved one because of a collision, the state’s personal injury and insurance laws may enable you to request damages under an insurance contract or through filing a lawsuit. Holding the at-fault motorist accountable for their harmful conduct may help you restore your agency and connect you with much-deserved compensation after the trauma of the incident.

A Cocoa Beach motorcycle accident lawyer can be an instrumental tool as you secure justice for what you have gone through. For decades, our law firm has served as a beacon of hope for individuals and families whose lives have been shaken by an unexpected event on the road. Our experienced personal injury attorneys are well-trained in negotiating skills and effective courtroom advocacy, and we strive to create case strategies that put our client’s priorities and best interests first.

What to Do After a Motorcycle Crash

When another motorist sideswipes you, runs you off the road, or hits you head-on, it can cause you to experience a range of injuries. Some of them are immediately apparent—like a broken arm—and others are more subtle, such as a concussion or internal organ damage. Going to a hospital right after the event increases the chance that a trained medical professional can catch and address these conditions early on to give you the best possible chance of a smooth recovery. During all accident-related visits—including this initial encounter—be sure to tell your healthcare team that the collision is the underlying cause of your injuries.

Under Florida Statutes § 316.065, you should also take steps to fulfill your duty to report the accident to the appropriate authorities. If the incident occurs within the Cocoa Beach city limits, you might have to call the Cocoa Beach Police Department. For collisions occurring outside this municipality, you may need to call the Florida Highway Patrol or the county sheriff.

State law does not require you to report every type of accident; however, phoning the authorities is needed if the crash results in death, personal injury, or property damage over $500. When in doubt, the most prudent thing may be to tell the police—to avoid inadvertent legal consequences if you guess wrong—or to consult a motorcycle accident attorney in Cocoa Beach. A seasoned lawyer could provide professional advice on your reporting requirements, requesting restitution for your losses, and your legal options as far as filing an insurance claim or lawsuit.

Seeking Damages for Injuries

As Fla. Stat. § 627.731 explains, no-fault insurance laws provide an expedited pathway for a person to claim compensation without having to prove the other motorist was at fault. Under these rules, the insured needs to have a policy with certain minimum levels of personal injury protection coverage—described in Fla. Stat. § 627.736. For example, their insurer might have to cover up to $10,000 in medical and disability benefits and up to $5,000 in death benefits unless an exception applies.

Under Fla. Stat. § 627.737, there are situations where you might be able to step outside the traditional no-fault insurance process and take your request to court. Going this route could give you access to a broader range of damages—such as pain, suffering, and inconvenience—than in a traditional insurance claim. However, to qualify for this class of compensation, you may need to establish that you experienced extraordinary losses, such as a permanent injury or loss of function.

Likewise, you would need to bring this complaint within the correct timeframe for filing an injury lawsuit. Working with a motorcycle crash lawyer as you navigate the claims process in Cocoa Beach may give you peace of mind as you focus your efforts on healing while allowing a professional to take care of the legal matters.

Call an Attorney in Cocoa Beach for Legal Help After a Motorcycle Collision

Going through a crash on your motorbike can threaten your life, causing you to endure weeks or months of painful healing due to no fault of your own. While insurance laws may allow you to recover some compensation for your losses, it may not cover the full scope of harm you sustained. By asserting a legal tort claim against the person or institution at fault, you may find relief in being able to hold them accountable and request fair damages to address how your life is different in the wreck’s aftermath.

Reach out to our office today to schedule a no-obligation consultation with a Cocoa Beach motorcycle accident lawyer. We understand what you are going through and welcome the chance to help make it right.

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    Cocoa Beach Motorcycle Accident Lawyer