Cocoa Beach Truck Accident Lawyer

When an enormous vehicle like an 18-wheeler crashes into a passenger car, it can result in a devastating aftermath. When you find yourself in this situation through no fault of your own, personal injury laws equip you with the tools to hold those responsible for their harmful conduct. Even if you believe you might be partly at fault for what happened, there is a chance you may still qualify for damages.

By working with a Cocoa Beach truck accident lawyer at our firm, you will have a well-trained advocate with years of hands-on experience fighting against faceless corporations, greedy insurance companies, and negligent bad actors. Our knowledgeable personal injury attorneys understand the stress and uncertainty you may feel after the crash, and we stand ready to assist you in this battle.

Common Causes of 18-Wheeler Truck Collisions

Human error is a frequent cause of crashes, such as driving while distracted, enraged, intoxicated, or fatigued. For example, an exhausted commercial driver might forget to look in their side mirrors in time before changing lanes to Exit 201 to Cocoa Beach on I-95. As a result, they may cut off other passenger cars on the interstate whose drivers were simply going about their business, causing a multi-car pileup.

Likewise, manufacturing or mechanical mistakes are other contributors to semi-truck accidents. For example, an auto repair worker may fail to perform the necessary safety checks to ensure they properly installed the new brakes—a mistake that can have fatal consequences. Additionally, a broken cargo latch may cause the back doors of a trailer to fly open and spill the shipment into live traffic.

When you are involved in these incidents, you may endure serious injuries that can uproot your life by requiring hospitalization for days, weeks, or even months. Full recovery may only come after months or sometimes years of going to physical and occupational therapy to restore you to your pre-accident function level. While a commercial truck crash attorney in Cocoa Beach cannot undo what has been done to you, they could help you speak out against the injustice you experienced and connect you with much-needed financial support.

Seeking a Settlement After a Wreck With a Semi Truck

When a commercial driver, manufacturer, or trucking company is to blame for an incident, you may qualify to request fair compensation. To kick off this process, Florida Statutes § 316.065 requires you to notify law enforcement about the crash if the incident results in injuries, death, or at least $500 in property damage. Depending on where the accident occurred—like outside the Cocoa Beach limits or within the city—you would call the local police, county sheriff, or Florida Highway Patrol.

The next stage of the claims process is to notify the insurance provider who insured the vehicle you were in during the incident (if applicable). If you were borrowing a vehicle, you can ask the car’s owner to submit this information; however, the provider may ask to talk to you about what happened since you were present during the collision. When communicating with individuals other than your attorney about what occurred, it is usually best to focus on basic facts without assigning blame or making comments, as these could potentially be used against you in the future.

The insurance company may send you a proposed settlement offer or a claims check; however, you have the option to negotiate a better deal if you choose. If you would like to take legal action against those who caused the collision, Fla. Stat. § 95.11 may give you two years to do so unless an exception applies. An attorney in Cocoa Beach may be an excellent resource as you try to determine your options after an unexpected crash with a commercial truck driver.

Get in Touch With a Truck Accident Attorney in Cocoa Beach for Legal Help

If you are hurt because a semi-truck operator or their employer made a mistake, you deserve better than to shoulder the consequences without help. By speaking out against their negligence, you give yourself an empowering opportunity to seek justice and a fair settlement for your troubles. Instead of embarking on this journey on your own, consider the potential advantages of partnering with a dedicated truck accident attorney at our office.

With a wealth of experience in our toolbelt, we could skillfully guide settlement discussions, advise you of your rights, and stand up for you in court to help maximize your chance of getting a settlement. Reach out to us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation with a Cocoa Beach truck accident lawyer on our team.

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    Cocoa Beach Truck Accident Lawyer