Slip & Fall Accident Case

Orlando Slip & Fall Accident Lawsuit Verdicts & Settlements

Orlando Slip & Fall Accident Case – The Umansky Law Firm is currently representing a client, a government clerk, who slipped and fell down a flight of stairs at a beach resort on Memorial Day weekend. After investigation it was determined that the fall was caused by uneven steps, poor lighting, and numerous other building code violations. Unfortunately the client’s vacation turned into a nightmare. Due to her fall, the client sustained a fractured leg and surgery was performed. The Umansky Law Firm demanded payment to the client. After building owner made an inadequate offer, the lawyers decided to file suit. In order to avoid responsibility for the accident, the building owner filed bankruptcy. The lawyers at the Umansky Law Firm subsequently filed a claim in the bankruptcy court to protect the rights of the client and are on the sidelines waiting for the bankruptcy to discharge so that the lawyers can again pursue a claim in state court against the building owner’s insurance proceeds of $1,000,000.

Slip and fall accidents are the top cause of traumatic brain injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Brain injuries can be extremely severe and impact your entire way of life. Some people never make a full recovery, and experience difficulty returning to work or a similar position. Many times, they must retrain for a new position where they might take a pay cut. Victims of slip and falls deserve financial compensation for:

  • All medical bills associated with the accident
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering

In particularly egregious cases of negligence, it may be possible to receive punitive damages. The court may award such damages to make an example of the responsible  party who acted with extreme disregard for the safety of others.  Contact our law firm for a free case review. We work on a contingency basis, meaning that you will not pay us until we win compensation for you.

The Umansky Law Firm represents clients in Orlando Personal Injury cases. To view more accident injury cases, visit The Umansky Law Firm’s verdicts & settlements page.

Every case is unique and results will vary based on the facts of an individual case. No case results can be guaranteed. These are just a sample of the cases we have settled, tried or currently litigating. Each case has its own set of circumstances and results are so different depending on so many factors it is hard to predict what your case is truly worth until a full investigation is done.

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    Slip & Fall Accident Case