Car Accident Case

Orlando Car Accident Lawsuit Verdicts & Settlements

Car Accident Case – The Umansky Law Firm represented a retired executive that suffered severe injuries as a result of an automobile accident. Before the accident, the client was under the care of a cardiologist for a pre-existing heart condition. Due to the injuries he suffered during the accident, the client had to undergo neck surgery. After the surgery, while in the post-operation area, the client suffered a heart attack. The insurance company argued that the client had pre-existing degenerative changes in his spine and was in his late sixties. After thorough investigation and negotiation, the lawyers at the Umansky Law Firm convinced the insurance company that the stress of the neck surgery caused the heart attack and that the neck surgery was directly related to the accident. The client was awarded $275,000 in full coverage limits from the fault insurance company and from the client’s uninsured motorist insurer.

After sustaining a traumatic injury, a victim may feel that it is hopeless to improve his or her situation. Unfortunately, many fail to seek legal counsel following a terrible accident that was  caused by a negligent party. Going without legal counsel may leave a victim paying thousands of dollars in medical bills and other expenses he or she did not anticipate. At the very least, we suggest seeking a free consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

An attorney with our firm may be capable of recovering compensation to help you pay for:

  • Past, present, and future medical bills
  • Costs of ongoing therapy and treatment
  • Medical equipment
  • Prescription medications
  • Psychological treatment
  • In-home care
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage
  • Punitive damages in select cases

To find out what an Orlando car accident attorney can do for you, call 407-228-3838 or email us a description of your case. We provide free case evaluations.

To view more accident injury cases, visit The Umansky Law Firm’s verdicts & settlements page.

Every case is unique and results will vary based on the facts of an individual case. No case results can be guaranteed. These are just a sample of the cases we have settled, tried or currently litigating. Each case has its own set of circumstances and results are so different depending on so many factors it is hard to predict what your case is truly worth until a full investigation is done.

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    Car Accident Case