Average Texting While Driving Car Crash Settlement

The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. It’s not difficult to conclude that many of those accidents likely involve texting while driving. Many people don’t fully grasp how lethal the consequences can be when they fail to give their undivided attention to the road. As of 2020, law enforcement in Florida began to pull drivers over for texting and driving as a primary offense. Previously, it had been considered a secondary offense, meaning you could only get pulled over for also violating a primary one like excessive speeding. Despite Florida’s aggressive law against texting while driving, drivers are still tempted to look down and text on their iPhone or Android, causing accidents that can be devastating both physically and financially.

Facts & Statistics on Texting While Driving

The facts and statistics on texting while driving demonstrate that this action can be fatal. Each month, at least nine people die and 1,000 are injured from crashes involving distracted drivers, according to the National Safety Council. The following demonstrates additional facts relating to texting while driving:

  • Cell phones are involved in 1.6 million auto crashes each year, according to the USDOT
  • Cell phone use accounts for 6,000 deaths annually
  • In 2017, 3,166 people died in a motor vehicle crash involving distracted drivers
  • Cell phone use accounts for 26% of all motor vehicle crashes
  • Brake reactions can be slowed by 18% when a driver is texting while driving
  • Reactions are slowed by 46% when driving while holding a cell phone in one hand

These numbers prove that texting while driving can be deadly. Reports have shown that texting while driving is frequently more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol. Despite these facts, people still behave carelessly and drive while texting. When an accident follows, victims can call The Umansky Law Firm to help with their settlement for compensation.

What Factors are Calculated into a Car Crash Settlement?

If you’ve been the victim of another driver’s decision to drive carelessly and continue texting, the consequences can be detrimental to not just your quality of life but also your finances. In a car crash settlement for texting and driving, the following will be analyzed to reach a fair settlement amount:

Medical Expenses

The expenses incurred for medical treatment include emergency medical attention that you might receive at the scene of the wreck, your initial visit to the hospital following the wreck, X-rays, lab tests, and ongoing doctor’s visits for your injuries and physical therapy. Medical expenses will also include medical equipment that you might need, like crutches, as well as all medications that a doctor prescribes.

Lost Wages

If your injuries were so severe after a car wreck that you had to call out of work, then you deserve compensation for those lost wages. Compensation for lost wages includes anything after the accident as you’re trying to move forward with your life. That can consist of lost wages from a job, job interview, and freelance work as well.

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering refers to the emotional and physical pain that a car accident victim experiences after the incident. Psychological and emotional distress and inconvenience are calculated into the amount awarded for pain and suffering, along with other factors. The calculation involves a multiplier that’s usually between 1.5 to 5 – depending on the severity of the accident. An experienced car accident attorney can help victims get a better understanding of the amount that can be awarded for their pain and suffering.

Property Damage

Compensation used for property damage is calculated in a much simpler way than pain and suffering. If your vehicle was totaled from a car accident caused by another driver’s negligent actions of texting and driving, then you’ll be awarded the fair market value of your car in the car accident settlement. The fair market value calculation includes your car’s mileage, age, and other assessments.

Get the Compensation that You Deserve with a Texting While Driving Crash Settlement

Driving your car in Orlando and throughout Florida can be worrisome enough with so much road work and congestion on the highways. Drivers shouldn’t have to also worry about being hit by another car because the driver was trying to send a text message.

At The Umansky Law Firm, our team of car accident attorneys proudly serve and seek justice for drivers in Central Florida. We will fight for every dollar that you deserve from your car accident claim so your life can return to a state of normalcy. Our attorneys have more than 100 years of combined experience in legal matters. Let us help you with your claim so you can focus on feeling better.

If you’ve been hurt in a car accident from someone who was texting while driving, call the car accident attorneys at The Umansky Law Firm to help. We offer free consultation and won’t charge a penny from our clients until we’ve reached a settlement. Call us today or complete our contact form to start your free consultation.


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    Average Texting While Driving Car Crash Settlement