7 Spring Break Driving Safety Tips in Orlando
It’s almost time for Spring Break, which means plenty of families and individuals will hop in their cars and come to Orlando to enjoy the sun and the great atmosphere. Both residents and tourists should keep in mind that Florida experiences a lot of car accidents. It’s important to stay safe while on the road, whether you’re the one traveling, or a local who has to deal with crowded lanes.
Driving Safely in Florida During Spring Break
Unfortunately, during spring break, there are many more cases of drunk driving. This is a problem that causes hundreds of thousands of car accidents and approximately 10,000 people killed each year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
According to Finder, Florida had the highest percent of drunk driving deaths by population in 2015. Although many people choose to drink during their spring break and it’s impossible to control what others do, there are measures to take to stay safer on the road. These are safety tips for driving during spring break that everyone should take seriously:
- Plan ahead: Any time a person goes out with friends and knows or even thinks they will be drinking alcohol, it’s essential to plan. If a person drinks, they should plan to use a rideshare or public transportation to get to and from the party safely.
- Avoid alcohol: If a person is going to be driving, it’s wise for them to avoid consuming any alcohol at all. Just one drink can affect a person’s mental faculties behind the wheel. Tipsy driving can still result in a DUI (driving under the influence).
- Leave the car: There is often plenty of public transportation at places where people frequently visit during spring break. If a person might be drinking while they are out, they can leave their car behind and rely on public transportation instead to be safe.
- Don’t allow friends to drive under the influence: A person who notices a friend is intoxicated after consuming alcohol should take steps to disallow them to get behind the wheel. He should take his friend’s keys and call a cab or rideshare so they can get back to their destination safely.
- Get picked up: A person on spring break who has been drinking should ask a friend or relative if they can pick them up later when they are ready to head back to their hotel or other destination.
- Host the party: One of the best things a person can do to avoid the temptation of taking their car when they go out and think they would drink alcohol is to host a party instead. That means others can come to them instead of the individual going out and having to find their way back after drinking.
- Stay the night: Another option to stay safe is to stay the night wherever the person is, whether it’s at a friend’s home or a hotel.
Florida’s cities are great for tourists, so there are plenty of ways to get home besides driving. If you do drive, be vigilant, go slowly, and be careful. No one wants their vacation ruined with a horrible accident. Unfortunately, you can’t always control what other people do, and accidents happen. If you are injured in a car accident or as a pedestrian in Orlando, call a lawyer as soon as possible. They’ll help you make sure you can pay for the damages and medical bills.
Finding a Car Accident Attorney in Orlando
At some point or another, every driver has an accident. Some are more devastating than others, and many require legal help. At the Umansky Law Firm, our team has over 100 years of combined experience helping individuals pursue justice after becoming involved in car accidents caused by negligence. If you sustained injuries due to another’s negligent driving, call a car accident attorney or fill out our contact form for a free car accident consultation.