Criminal Records

Removing a College Student’s Criminal Record

Removing a College Student’s Criminal Record

College students are having difficulties landing jobs after college after disclosure of juvenile arrest records. Because of limited public education, it is unfortunate that many...

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How Do I Remove My Mugshot?

How Do I Remove My Mugshot?

These days, it seems that our local jails are actually selling information to websites that showcase the mugshots of those arrested in the community. This...

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Do I Need to Worry About Record History When I Was a Minor?

Do I Need to Worry About Record History When I Was a Minor?

What do minors commonly get in trouble for? Youth tend to be arrested for crimes of theft, possession of narcotics, assault, disturbing the peace by...

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Criminal Record Expungements: Is It Truly a Clean Slate?

Criminal Record Expungements: Is It Truly a Clean Slate?

Expungement: Is It Truly a Clean Slate? For any and all arrests that result in a dismissal or nolle prosequi (State of Florida drops your...

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Criminal Offenses Can Prevent You from Practicing Medicine in Florida

Criminal Offenses Can Prevent You from Practicing Medicine in Florida

In Florida, healthcare professionals who are convicted of crimes can lose their licenses to practice medicine. In accordance with Florida law, healthcare providers who are...

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Criminal Defense Motions

Criminal Defense Motions

Many people involved in litigation will hear attorneys say, “We are filing a motion to dismiss,” or that they are considering filing another motion. Generally,...

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Removing a College Student’s Criminal Record