Orlando Suspended Drivers License Lawyer

You may not even be aware that your driver’s license has been suspended until you are pulled over in a traffic stop and the officer checks your motor vehicle record. Have you been arrested for driving with a suspended license with or without knowledge? Our Orlando suspended drivers license lawyers have experience defending clients in each situation.

Driving while your license is suspended or revoked is a serious offense in Florida. If the prosecutor can prove that the violation was intentional, you will face criminal misdemeanor charges, punishable by up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine. For subsequent offenses, the consequences are even greater. Speak with an aggressive traffic attorney for legal advice.

How Your Driver’s License Can Become Suspended in Orlando, Florida

There are many ways your driver’s license can be suspended or revoked in Orlando, including:

  • Delinquent Child Support Payments
  • Unpaid traffic tickets
  • Unpaid court judgments
  • Driving without insurance
  • Failure to appear in court
  • Habitual traffic offender
  • Racing
  • DUI
  • Drug charges
  • Conviction for certain prostitution offenses
  • Refusing the breath test
  • Failing to attend court-ordered traffic school
  • Failure to complete DUI program
  • Points

Penalties For Driving With A Suspended License In Florida

Penalties for driving while your license is suspended or revoked depend on whether the violation was intentional and whether you have prior convictions.

DWLSR Offense Penalties
First offense
  • Unknowingly driving without a license is a civil offense, punishable by a fine.
  • Knowingly driving without a license is a criminal misdemeanor offense, punishable by up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.
Second offense within five years
  • Up to one year in a jail and a $500 fine
  • Police can seize your vehicle under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act in Florida
Third offense within five years
  • You will be labeled a habitual traffic offender, which carries a five-year suspension of your driver’s license.
  • You could be charged with a felony, subject to up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

Even if you face civil charges for unknowingly having a suspended license or one that was revoked, it’s important to contact an experienced traffic defense lawyer. If you are charged with a second offense within five years, you will be charged with a criminal misdemeanor.

How to Check if Your License Has Been Suspended

If you think that your license may be suspended or revoked, the State of Florida does has two ways for you to check the status of your license. The fastest way to check would be to go online to the Department of Motor Vehicles website, however you can also call them Monday through Friday during normal business hours. Either way you need to have your driver’s license number to gain access to this information.

When you do check the status of your driver’s license, the DMV will also explain why your license was suspended in the first place. They will also tell you what needs to be done to get your license reinstated. Just remember that there is rarely a quick fix and without help from an attorney in can be a very difficult process.

Defenses for Driving With a Suspended Licenses in Orlando

There are defenses to the charge of driving while your license is suspended or revoked. One is that you did not receive notice that your driver’s license was revoked. Our experience as former prosecutors allows us to give you an honest evaluation of your case so that you will know your options from the start.

Discuss Your Case with an Orlando Suspended Drivers License Attorney

At The Umansky Law Firm, we can answer any questions you may have about your charges and we will stand by your side until your case is resolved. To schedule a free case review with an Orlando suspended license lawyer at The Umansky Law Firm, contact us online.

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    Orlando Suspended Drivers License Lawyer