Failure to Report a Conviction or Plea for Painting Contractors in Orlando

Failure to Report a Conviction or Plea for Painting ContractorsAre you an Orlando painting contractor who has been alleged of committing a crime? Criminal charges, even criminal traffic offenses like driving on a suspended license, can lead to jarring effects for individuals holding a specialized license or certification in the State of Florida. There are strict reporting obligations for painting contractors charged with a criminal offense, whether they’re found guilty or enter a plea deal.

When you’re facing indictment, it is essential to understand the professional consequences and criminal penalties you may face. According to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR), painting contractors and other general contractors must report their case’s disposition to the DBPR or the Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB) within 30 days. Learn all you need to know about this reporting process so you can prepare for your next steps.

Orlando Lawyers Advocating for Painting Contractors Charged with a Crime

Suppose you’re a Florida painting contractor charged with a crime. In that case, it is strongly encouraged that you retain a criminal defense attorney who understands the reporting obligations for your profession and can advise you on the full scope of consequences that go with a plea. When you hire a criminal defense lawyer from The Umansky Law Firm, you can be confident in our attorneys’ abilities to build a powerful and effective defense strategy to minimize criminal penalties that you may encounter in cases like the following:

  • DUIs/DWIs
  • Misdemeanors, like petty theft and perjury
  • Felonies, like fraud and drug abuse violations
  • Criminal traffic violations, like reckless driving

Our lawyers are also highly skilled in Florida’s administrative law and know what it takes to defend your painting contractor license from potential administrative sanctions. We help our clients navigate each step of this process, from writing a letter to providing documents to the DBPR. Turn to The Umansky Law Firm for powerful legal representation so you can continue in your painting profession without the weight of this challenging experience on your future.

What Is Required of Painting Contractors after a Conviction or Plea Deal in Florida?

Licensed general contractors and painting contractors in Florida must notify the CILB or the DBPR within 30 days of being convicted of a crime or pleading guilty or no contest. According to Florida Statute Section 455.227(1)(t), licensed contractors may face disciplinary action for:

“Failing to report in writing to the board or, if there is no board, to the department within 30 days after the licensee is convicted or found guilty of, or entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in any jurisdiction.”

If you were found guilty or entered a plea to a criminal charge in Florida, you must report the conviction or plea by completing a criminal self-reporting document and sending it to the CILB or DBPR. While the process may feel daunting, the professional license defense lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm are prepared to help you through each step of this administrative process.

What Are the Punishments for Failing to Inform the CILB of a Conviction or Plea Deal?

Any painting contractor who ignores their duty to report a criminal conviction, guilty plea, or no-contest plea to the CILB can face harsh administrative consequences on top of the criminal penalties, including steep fines, suspension, or license revocation. A painting contractor who has never failed to report a conviction or plea to the CILB will likely be given more leniency than a subsequent offense.

It’s important to remember that being convicted or entering a plea to a criminal offense does not mean the board will inevitably impose disciplinary actions that will affect your painting contractor career. However, if you fail to notify the CILB or DBPR within 30 days, the board is usually less understanding when assessing your case. Factors influencing the board’s disciplinary actions for failing to report a conviction or plea deal typically involve:

  • The severity level of the crime
  • The relationship of the crime to painter contracting
  • The potential to pose a danger to the public or consumer
  • Whether you had previous disciplinary matters on your record

Whether your painting contractor’s license will be suspended or revoked is determined by the criminal offense’s details and circumstances. Contact The Umansky Law Firm’s criminal and administrative defense attorneys so they can review your case and advise you on the potential and likely outcomes of your case.

Partner with an Orlando Professional Painter License Defense Lawyer

If you’re a licensed painting contractor facing disciplinary actions for failing to report a criminal conviction or plea to the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board, seek legal counsel right away. For trusted legal support defending your career, rights, and reputation as a professional painting contractor, retain the criminal and professional license defense attorneys at The Umansky Law Firm.

Our attorneys have extensive criminal defense backgrounds that involve construction, contracting, real estate, and numerous other types of crimes. With over 100 years of combined legal experience, you can trust us to defend you in the administrative action and help you avoid not only criminal prosecution but license suspension as well. Our lawyers include former defense lawyers, prosecutors, and some have worked directly with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. To schedule a free consultation, complete a contact form.

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    Failure to Report a Conviction or Plea for Painting Contractors in Orlando