Ambien DUI in Orlando

orlando dui defense attorney

Driving under the influence of sleep is not a criminal offense, so you’d think that taking Ambien and getting behind the wheel of a car wouldn’t land you in cuffs, right? Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Central Florida drivers are often criminalized by local law enforcement for allegedly being under the influence of a drug or substance when they’re really just tired. While it may seem like a simple mistake, a DUI arrest can result in your car being towed, spending a night in a cold jail cell, and waking up with little to no recollection of how you got there.

Law enforcement will likely fight the case to the end. Combat their efforts by securing the legal counsel of a driven DUI defense lawyer.

The Orlando Ambien DUI defense lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm are here to provide stalwart legal counsel against the charges you’re facing. We understand that this may be your first run-in with the law and the idea of potentially getting convicted of a crime you didn’t commit is harrowing, to say the least. Our team will fight relentlessly on your behalf to have your name cleared of all charges.

Sleep-Driving While on Ambien

Many Ambien DUI cases involve sleep-driving. This action occurs when an individual takes a sleeping pill and unknowingly wakes up and engages in regular activities like walking around, eating, and driving. Much like sleep-walking, the individual is not aware of his or her actions and seems to be “out of it.” When a police officer pulls over a “sleep-driver,” they see someone who is disoriented and often not fully clothed, leading them to believe that the individual is experiencing a “high.”

Ambien Impairment is Now a Controlled Substance According to New 2018 Florida Legislature Changes

The state of Florida requires the plaintiff in a DUI case to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was impaired from alcohol or a qualifying controlled substance or chemical. Ambien can cause an individual to operate a vehicle while half awake and half asleep and, until recently, wasn’t considered a controlled substance as described in Florida Statute § 893.03. That all changed in 2018 when the drug was added to the list. Now, a DUI arrest involving Ambien may result in a criminal conviction. Nevertheless, an experienced Ambien DUI defense lawyer in Orlando may be able to reduce or completely eliminate the penalties associated with a conviction.

Get Help from Orlando Ambien DUI Attorneys

Sleep-driving isn’t a common occurrence, which is why many law enforcement officers are unaware of how to differentiate it from controlled substance impairment. Although you may know that you’re innocent, proving that to law enforcement may not be as straightforward as you expect.

Get the legal help you’ll require to resolve your DUI case by securing representation from a knowledgeable attorney. The Orlando Ambien DUI defense lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm are seasoned lawyers who’ve handled a range of DUI cases. We take pride in being able to present the facts and commonly overlooked details in a case and use it to create an impermeable defense for the accused. As Board Certified Criminal Trial Lawyers who’ve successfully handled many misdemeanor and felony DUI cases, we’re confident that we can help guide your case to a favorable resolution.

Contact us today for a free case evaluation from a former prosecutor. Let us put our more than 100 combined years of experience to work for you.

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    Ambien DUI in Orlando