Clergy Sex Abuse Claims in Eustis

Many years have passed since widespread sexual abuse within the Catholic Church was exposed, with news outlets reporting a pattern of abuse by clergy and the church’s systematic decades-long coverup of the allegations. These claims still emerge. You may believe peaceful Eustis could never be touched by this behavior, but Eustis is part of the Orlando Catholic Diocese and, unfortunately, Florida’s clergy investigation into sex abuse claims in 2018 identified numerous priests across the state, including from the Orlando Diocese.

Sadly, the victims of clergy sex abuse were children at the time, and, out of shame waited until middle age to report the abuse, according to the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP). Abuse that is longstanding may still be occurring. If you suspect or are a victim of adults with authority in any religion, our personal injury attorneys are experienced at resolving clergy sex abuse claims in Eustis.

The Florida Attorney General’s Report

In 2018, the Florida Attorney General’s Office of Statewide Prosecution (OSP) began a two-year investigation of suspected clergy sex abuse claims after Pennsylvania released its grand jury report detailing shocking, widespread abuse of children. After speaking with witnesses and victims and documenting all claims of clergy sex abuse in Florida, the OSP’s report was issued in 2020. It identified 97 Catholic clergy against whom sex abuse claims were made across the state, including 13 in the Orlando Diocese. Crucial findings also include how the Catholic Church subverted scandals by relocating many abusive clergy in other states to dioceses in Florida.

Although the criminal claims against the 97 priests cannot be prosecuted because some expired when the statute of limitations for crimes passed, and some of the priests have died, the Florida Legislature passed Donna’s Law to eliminate that statute applicable to criminal sexual battery against minors.

Child survivors who were abused but whose case expired before the new law was enacted could still be eligible for compensation through a civil lawsuit. Our skilled Eustis clergy sex abuse claims lawyers are dedicated to making those who perpetrated this act pay restitution. We understand what it takes for you to come forward and share your story. Our compassion is equal to our drive to get you the largest settlement possible as some consolation for the vast trauma inflicted.

Statute of Limitations for Civil Sex Abuse Claims

Although Florida cannot press criminal charges that expired prior to Donna’s Law, if you are a clergy abuse survivor, you can probably bring a civil claim because the legal deadline to file them differs.

When sexual battery is the issue, Florida does not impose a civil statute of limitations if a clergy member committed the offense against a minor younger than 16. If the minor was 16 or 17 when the abuse occurred, they have until they turn 25 to file a civil claim. Talk to our clergy sex abuse attorneys in Eustis to discuss your claim and how we could proceed with it.

Compensation for Emotional Trauma

If a clergy member, whether a priest, minister, deacon, rabbi, imam, pastor, or bishop took advantage of you sexually when you were a minor, you may have recourse to find some closure for this emotional and physical travesty. You may be entitled to compensation for any physical damage the clergy caused, but also for the emotional and psychological damage. This would include extensive counseling and for the broken trust in a spiritual leader that may never fully be repaired.

Discuss Your Clergy Sexual Abuse Claim With a Eustis Attorney

A spiritual guide who takes advantage of a child deserves to be punished, including civilly, and we are standing by to help you do just that. Although criminal charges brought by the state of Florida may not be an option if your criminal claim expired before new legislation changed the criminal statute of limitations, a civil action compensating you for all you have endured might be able to help. Contact our tenacious attorneys now if you believe you have a clergy sex abuse claim in Eustis.

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    Clergy Sex Abuse Claims in Eustis