Eustis Car Accident Lawyer

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, motor vehicle accidents account for more than half of all personal injury claims. If you are injured in a car accident that someone else caused due to their reckless or intentional acts, you are likely wondering how much this is going to cost you.

The severity of your injuries in a crash will help determine how much compensation you will need until you heal and can return to your usual life. If another driver is at least partly responsible for the crash that injured you, compensation could come from an insurance settlement or a damages award in a lawsuit. To explore your options, contact a Eustis car accident lawyer who understands the legal process.

Florida Motor Vehicle Insurance

Florida is a no-fault state for automobile insurance coverage, which means drivers collect from their insurance policy no matter who is responsible for the car accident. They must purchase a minimum of $10,000 in Personal Injury Protection (PIP) to cover their medical expenses and lost wages. Other items PIP covers include:

  • Children and household members who are passengers in a PIP-covered motorist’s car
  • Non-familial passengers who do not own a vehicle or own PIP insurance
  • Pedestrians and bicyclists are covered by their own PIP insurance if a motorist hits them
  • A PIP holder’s child if the child is injured on a school bus

Non-familial passengers with PIP insurance are covered by their policies instead of the driver’s.

Motorists must also carry a minimum of $10,000 in Property Damage Liability (PDL) to cover any damage the driver does to someone else’s property. For example, if a driver careens into a homeowner’s fence, PDL will pay for repairs.

Unfortunately, drivers who carry only the minimum will fall short if they are severely injured because PIP only pays up to the policy’s maximum. Injured parties may have to work with a Eustis auto accident lawyer and file a civil lawsuit against a negligent driver to be fully compensated.

Statute of Limitations for Car Crashes

All states adopt a Statute of Limitations, which is the time a plaintiff must file a personal injury lawsuit. Car accident claims in Eustis must be filed within two years of the accident and, with few exceptions, are barred if the plaintiff misses the deadline.

Modified Comparative Negligence Affects Compensation

Florida is now a modified comparative negligence, or comparative fault, state. This allows a plaintiff who is partly responsible for a car accident to collect from the other motorist who is also at fault, as long as the plaintiff is not more than 50% liable, according to Florida Statutes § 768.81. If the jury awards a plaintiff $1 million but determines that person was 50 percent at fault, the award is reduced to $500,000.

The jury award economic damages for medical bills, current and future lost wages, and property damage. Non-economic damages subjectively put a price tag on other losses such as pain and suffering, loss of the enjoyment of family, disfigurement, and emotional anguish.

Insurance companies, including in no-fault states, often point to comparative negligence as a reason to lowball a settlement offer. A tenacious car accident attorney in Eustis could present evidence in insurance negotiations and court to mitigate a person’s liability while seeking the most compensation possible.

Learn How a Eustis Car Accident Attorney Fights for a Fair Settlement

Cars can be dangerous in the hands of a negligent person. If you are another motorist, pedestrian, motorcyclist, or bicyclist, and a reckless driver smashes into you, injuries can be severe and require time and money to heal properly.

The Umansky Law Firm focuses on getting injured persons fair compensation after a serious incident. Money may not restore everything you lose, but it can help keep your family going while you recover. Call now to speak to a Eustis car accident lawyer who will fight for you.

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    Eustis Car Accident Lawyer