You made a mistake and served the time the law demanded when you were convicted. Now you are ready to rebuild your life in a positive direction. Perhaps you have a job interview at a middle school, or you are waiting for a mortgage to be approved at the Dr. Phillips Banking Center. The one deterrent is that criminal conviction on your record.
There might be a way to remedy situations in which you are turned down for loans, housing, or jobs. Most people who have been incarcerated experience it, even if the interviewer, loan officer, landlord, or neighbor discriminates without knowing you. A Dr. Phillips expungement lawyer can review your situation and determine if you are a suitable candidate to have your record sealed.
Expungement occurs when your criminal record is no longer available for public view, although government entities can access them with a court order. A similar action is to seal records, which are not available to the public, though most government agencies still have access to them. Circumstances dictate whether your criminal record can be expunged. Generally, if you are found guilty or plead no contest (nolo contendere) to specific crimes, even if the judge withholds adjudication, expungement is not an option. According to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), there about 36 crimes you cannot expunge records for, and they include:
There are other crimes that preclude you from expunging your record, but the only way to know whether you qualify for this life-changing tool is to contact a Dr. Phillips expungement attorney now.
We have mentioned some of the crimes that disallow your record from being expunged. Generally, some qualifications to be eligible include whether you are applying for the process for the first time and you can prove nothing in your past record would disqualify you. You cannot be under court supervision for a crime you are attempting to expunge, and your arrest either did not lead to being charged or indicted, the judge dismissed the case before trial, or the jury or judge acquitted you. For advice about expunging a criminal record, contact a Dr. Phillips lawyer now.
According to Florida Statutes § 943.0581 administrative expungement, also known as expunction, is the process in which the FDLE responds to a law enforcement agency, including the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, an interested adult, or a minor’s parents or guardian who can apply for this type of expungement when an arrest is executed by mistake. The arresting agency must provide a letter confirming the mistake.
If you are arrested for prostitution and the circumstances involve human trafficking, you are also eligible for expungement. If your charges are related to acting in self-defense, they could also qualify for expungement.
Juveniles facing first-time charges who complete a pretrial diversion program may be candidates for expungement if the infraction is not a felony using force or a firearm. Although juvenile records are automatically expunged at 21, or in some cases age 26, files can be expunged at age 18 if the crime occurred at least five years ago. The guidelines are complicated, but with a defense lawyer by your side who can determine if you qualify, your bright future could be restored by a Dr. Phillips expungement attorney.
Qualifying for expungement of your criminal record is not automatic, and you must meet a set of requirements that are strict. If you do qualify, then the public, such as landlords, bankers, employers, and nosy neighbors will not be able to access your information, although the government still has access to it.
What does this mean for you? Anyone who has been incarcerated or charged with a criminal act will tell you that discrimination occurs, whether it is overt or not. Prospective employers question your honesty, neighbors gossip, and landlords wonder if you will cause trouble. But you have accepted your punishment, weathered it, and wish to move on. Let us help. A Dr. Phillips expungement lawyer could prequalify you to see if your records can be sealed.
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