Dr. Phillips Robbery Lawyer

If an Orange County Sherriff’s Office (OCSO) deputy arrests you and charges you with robbery outside the gates of Universal Studios, after a show at Dr. Phillips Center, or at a tourist shop on International Drive, you are facing a felony with life-changing consequences. Handling these situations is what our experienced theft attorneys do, and we can help you as well.

People deserve a second chance. We step in and negotiate with prosecutors to drop charges, file lesser charges, and consider probation or diversion programs. If your case goes to trial, we will study the circumstances thoroughly and know what defenses and mitigating factors will work best for you. Our Dr. Phillips robbery lawyers have faith that the clients we represent will overcome their mistakes and build better futures.

The Crime of Robbery

Robbery is the taking of something that does not belong to you and using violence to accomplish it. According to Florida Statute § 812.13, the person charged must have taken money or property owned by someone else with the intent to keep it, by using force, fear, or violence. A person does not have to use a weapon to meet the ‘violence’ requirement. Pushing, restraining, or threatening actions that elicit fear in the person is enough, and can occur before, during, or after the act. If the SCSO or the Orlando Police Department arrest you, contact a Dr. Phillips robbery attorney who will advocate for you.

Punishment for Robbery

Florida law metes out different punishments for robbery depending on the mode of violence and a person’s record. Those who wield a loaded gun, knife, or other deadly weapon face up to life in prison on a first-degree felony charge. If the brandished weapon is not considered deadly, the charge is still a first-degree felony with incarceration up to 30 years, and 30 years of probation for reoffenders, with the possibility of a $10,000 fine under F.S. § 775.083 (1)(b). Second-degree felony robbery which does not involve weapons, comes with up to 15 years in prison for reoffenders under  F.S. § 775.082, probation, and possibly a fine.

A felony conviction can impact all aspects of your life. You will lose your right to own a firearm and vote, although the state does offer a path to reestablishing voting rights. Employers, landlords, college admissions personnel, and financial lenders consider a felony conviction when determining if you are eligible for their amenities and services. Felony convictions even impact families, causing irreparable emotional harm.

Related Robbery Crimes

Florida has long been tough on crime and recognizes robbery-related crimes as felonies. Robbery by sudden snatching, like a handbag or wallet, is a third-degree felony or second degree when a deadly weapon is used. Carjacking is a first-degree felony, and robbery committed in a home invasion is also a first-degree felony. Our Dr. Phillips attorneys are skilled at deciphering robbery charges, penalties, and mounting a defense that will mitigate the damages a robbery conviction can impose.

Defenses to This Accusation

Our knowledgeable defense attorneys will identify credible defenses that can help your case. Some common defenses include:

  • Police violations of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, in which you are searched without a warrant and are not read your Miranda rights
  • Mistaken identity by a witness, when you resemble the real perpetrator, a defense backed by the Innocence Project that has found one in four witnesses are unreliable
  • The property at issue actually belongs to you
  • The person who names you is lying out of spite
  • You did not use force
  • You have a provable alibi

Our robbery lawyers fight for your rights and the best outcome depending on your situation. You are entitled to present your side of the story in court, and we are here to defend you and restore your future.

Call and Learn How a Dr. Phillips Robbery Attorney is Your Best Chance at a Future

Whether you are innocent of the crime or there were unique circumstances that led to this situation, our attorneys are not here to judge, but to help you.

A robbery charge is not the end of the line, and there are many options we can explore with you. A Dr. Phillips robbery lawyer on our team is a skilled, compassionate fighter with a proven track record of helping clients. Call now for a free consultation so we can begin collaborating on your defense.

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    Dr. Phillips Robbery Lawyer