Orlando Possession of a Short-Barreled Rifle Penalties

Orlando Possession of a Short-Barreled Rifle Penalties

Orlando Possession of a Short-Barreled Rifle Penalties

Florida is one of the 34 states across the U.S. that requires a permit for concealed carry firearms. The Florida law is unique because it also allows individuals with a permit to carry electronic weapons, tear gas, and Billie clubs. One type of weapon that is not allowed is short-barreled rifles. Those found in possession of a short-barreled rifle can be charged with a criminal offense.

If you’re facing charges for illegal possession of a firearm or possession of a short-barreled rifle, you might think there’s no hope for your future. At The Umansky Law Firm, however, we believe that everyone deserves a second chance and are committed to helping you get your life back on track.

What is a Short-Barreled Rifle?

Florida Statute 790.001 outlines Possession of a Short-Barreled Rifle in Florida as a criminal offense. According to the statute, a short-barreled rifle is a rifle with a barrel less than 16 inches long or a rifle that’s been altered to an overall length of fewer than 26 inches. 

Some of the most common methods of altering a rifle include:

  • Attaching a rifle stock to a pistol 
  • Cutting off the butt of a rifle
  • Attaching a short barrel to a shotgun
  • Cutting the barrel 
  • Fully assembling a short-barreled rifle from mixed parts

In addition, it’s also illegal to own a short-barreled shotgun. A shotgun barrel is less than 18 inches or the overall firearm is less than 26 inches, it is illegal. No matter the method used to assemble a short-barreled rifle or shotgun or how it was obtained, any person found with one in their possession is subject to penalties. 

Florida Penalties for Possession of a Short-Barreled Rifle 

In Florida, Possession of a Short-Barreled Rifle is considered a second-degree felony. The penalties for second-degree felonies in Florida are severe and include:

  • Up to 15 years incarceration
  • Up to $10,000 in fines
  • Up to 15 years probation

It’s important to understand that Possession of a Short-Barreled Rifle is not only illegal in Florida but also according to federal law. Any person charged in Florida for this crime will likely also face federal charges that could result in up to $10,000 in additional fines and up to 10 years in prison.

Effective Defense Strategies For Possession of a Short-Barreled Rifle Charges in Florida

Any time a person is charged with the illegal possession of a firearm or possession of a short-barreled rifle, they should seek help from a trusted defense attorney as quickly as possible. A knowledgeable and experienced legal team will understand how to create a viable defense strategy that stands up and court and works to mitigate the charges you’re facing. 

In Florida, some of the most common defense strategies for Possession of a Short-Barreled Rifle include:

  • Gun not in your possession
  • Unlawful search and seizure
  • Did not know you had the gun

The best defense strategies are created according to the details surrounding your case. At The Umansky Law Firm, we work hard to understand your situation and gather evidence to give you your best shot at a second chance. 

Contact an Orlando Firearm Defense Attorney Today

In Orlando, the top choice for defense lawyers for firearm cases is the team at The Umansky Law Firm. The Umansky team has more than 100 years of combined experience and has won thousands of cases for individuals throughout the Orlando area. As former prosecutors who have tried hundreds of cases, our team of attorneys brings a unique point of view to every legal situation. 

Don’t let your life get defined by a single mistake. For a free consultation, call 407-228-3838 or contact us online today. 

Orlando Possession of a Short-Barreled Rifle Penalties