Payment Plan for a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Payment Plan for a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Payment Plan for a Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you have been arrested or charged with a crime, you may be uncertain what your legal rights are or where to turn for help. An experienced criminal attorney can safeguard your legal interests from day one of your case while working tirelessly to secure the best possible results.

One of the most common reasons someone might hesitate to hire a criminal attorney is because they are worried about the cost involved. Your future freedom is priceless, and foregoing private legal counsel can be extremely risky.

The Umansky Law Firm offers a variety of payment options for Florida clients to fit your needs while ensuring that you receive the defense you deserve at every stage of your case. If you have questions about hiring an attorney, do not hesitate to contact our office today to discuss payment plans.

Payment Options for Your Criminal Defense

At The Umansky Law Firm, there are multiple ways to pay a defense attorney to ensure that cost is not an obstacle in securing top legal representation. Clients can choose to pay the full cost of the legal fee for their case upfront.

However, for clients who are unable to do so, they can pay for the cost of legal representation via a payment plan. Most clients make an initial deposit for the payment plan that equals anywhere from one-third to one-half of the total legal fee for their case.

After the initial deposit, payment plans are scheduled to withdraw on a bi-weekly basis with payments made on the 1st and 15th of the month. Most payment plans have a duration of six months, but exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.

Factors Impacting the Cost of Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney

Multiple factors can affect the total legal fee for a criminal defense case, such as the type of crime you are charged with, the severity of the charge, the complexity of the case, and the length of the proceedings.

For example, building the best possible defense for criminal felony charges may require more in-depth investigations, interviews, and evidence analysis. It may also be necessary for your attorney to hire expert witnesses and oversee additional court appearances to provide the vigorous defense you deserve.

Your attorney’s experience and background can also impact the cost of a criminal defense. We can provide more details about the particulars of your case and billing methods in a personalized case consultation.

Getting the right legal counsel can change the direction of your case. The impact of a competent defense can not only safeguard your rights, future, and freedom, but protect your employment prospects, reputation, and others long-term endeavors.

Talk With Our Criminal Lawyers About Your Payment Plan

Although a court-appointed defender may appear to be the more cost-effective option for some defendants, there are many pitfalls to foregoing a private defense. Public defenders serve an essential role in the legal system, but they are often strapped with large caseloads, have fewer resources, and less experience than a private criminal defense attorney would.

A private attorney can explain your legal options and all procedures involved in your case, while working tirelessly to get your charge reduced, dropped, or negotiate a favorable deal.

Contact our office today to schedule your free, confidential attorney consultation and find out what payment plan options are available.

Payment Plan for a Criminal Defense Lawyer