Legal First and Second Hand Smoke?

Legal First and Second Hand Smoke?

Legal First and Second Hand Smoke?

The month of November has been full of change in America, and especially in the states of Colorado and Washington where the legalization of recreation marijuana use is beginning to affect both those who smoke and those who don’t. The statewide legalization of marijuana was voted into effect as the national elections took place. Marijuana is the second most popular mood-altering substance, following closely behind alcohol.

In 1996, California opened the door to treating people with terminal or chronic diseases by smoking marijuana to reduce pain. Marijuana was sold in doctor’s offices and pain clinics and the patient was issued a card identifying that they were prescribed marijuana for health reasons. There are presently 18 states with medical marijuana laws, and four waiting to be voted in.

Colorado and Washington were among the first states to accept medical marijuana as a legitimate treatment for pain and other illnesses. Now, in the 2012 elections, they became the first two states to legalize cannabis for all residents, and Florida legislation cannot help but to be influenced by this decision.

Questions concerning health, availability, locations for purchase and many others have residents concerned and wondering how second-hand smoke will affect those who do not participate in smoking marijuana. Second-hand smoke is controversial even when referring to tobacco smoke, where it is proven to be unhealthy for adults, and even dangerous for children who must succumb to second-hand tobacco smoke.

Jokingly, some sources have mentioned a “Second-hand Marijuana Smoke Disease”, or SMSD, as an ailment that is designated as affecting those who do not smoke cannabis. Signs like laziness, muscle aches, a sassy attitude, being more prone to pregnancy, having the urge to steal, and respiratory problems are predicted. Though this isn’t scientifically proven, being in close proximity may have an effect on others that are not used to using the substance.

You would not be able to compare State legalization to Amsterdam, where many people still perceive freedom of smoking marijuana to be the central focus of tourism.  Technically, marijuana is illegal there.  We’ll have to see how Washington and Colorado ultimately deal with this development in law, with the Federal Government still able to intervene.

Legal First and Second Hand Smoke?