Central Florida Woman Dismembered and Cooked Neighbor
Central Florida resident, Angela Stoldt is facing some serious penalties after killing her neighbor James Scheaffer in April 2013. Recent court documents detail the murder committed by Stoldt where she confesses to stabbing both of Scheaffer’s eyes with an ice pick, strangling him with a cord, and then dismembering his body so she could cook and burn off the evidence. Documents also show that Stoldt tried to hide the smell of rotting flesh from her kids by telling them she had a rat broiling in the oven.
Stoldt claims the altercation started when the two got into a dispute over money, but it was when Shaeffer attempted to attack her that she snapped. For three weeks after the incident, Stoldt continued to hide evidence, even calling upon her son to help dispose of a rotting “deer” that she hit. However, Stoldlt quickly lost control and ending up confessing to her parent’s.
Stoldt is being held without bail at the Volusia County Branch Jail and faces charges for first degree murder, tampering with physical evidence and abuse of a dead body.