Windermere Federal Crime Lawyer

If you are arrested for a federal crime, receive a federal citation, a target letter, or grand jury subpoena, or are informed that you are under federal investigation or that a warrant has been issued for your arrest, you need to reach out to a criminal lawyer now. Short of an immediate arrest, your freedom is also in jeopardy if you do not appreciate the urgency these government actions should provoke.

Federal prosecutors work with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, along with other government agencies, to identify potential criminal activity long before you may get wind of it. When you do, evidence is already in the prosecutor’s hands. They might have begun interviewing your family members, co-workers, and friends, and they have almost limitless money to pursue you. Do not delay in calling a Windermere federal crime lawyer immediately to protect your interests.

What is Federal Crime?

Federal crimes are violations of federal law enacted by Congress, and often the difference between state or federal charges is the breadth of the crime, such as criminal activity that spreads outside of Florida or a person involved who crosses state lines. Crimes that occur on federal property, such as post offices, military bases, national parks, or the federal building in Orlando are also prosecuted by U.S. Attorneys, as are crimes that circumvent the government’s interests. Federal crimes include:

  • Wire and mail fraud, including internet fraud schemes
  • Drug trafficking
  • Income tax evasion
  • Medicare and Medicaid schemes such as overbilling or engaging in kickbacks
  • Securities fraud such as insider trading and Ponzi schemes
  • Plotting terrorist attacks
  • Murder or any crime on federal property

This list is representative, and other crimes are added as the government and Congress determine. If a federal agent knocks on your door or you receive communication from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, contact a Windermere federal crime attorney to manage the situation.

Citations, Target Letters

The government may contact you using citations or target letters if you are suspected of criminal activity.

Citations are like traffic tickets and can be issued by numerous federal agencies, such as the Army Corps of Engineers, Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), the National Park Service, and the U.S. Postal Service. Many of the citations are for violations of rules, such as exceeding the speed limit on national park roads, but some may be for more serious crimes including wildlife violations and civil disturbances, and if convicted, you will have a criminal record.

For more serious criminal investigations, Assistant U.S. Attorneys may issue target letters to advise people they are ‘targets’ in investigations by federal grand juries for federal crimes. U.S. Attorneys are the prosecuting arm of the Department of Justice (DOJ). However, if you do not receive a target letter, it does not mean you are not under investigation. Often, the government retains the element of surprise and does not send them, for fear the target may flee. If you believe you are suspected of committing a federal crime, contact a Windermere lawyer immediately for experienced and steadfast help combatting the charges.

Grand Jury and Indictment

You may also be subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury if its members believe you have documents or evidence in a case they are evaluating. After careful review of all witness testimony and other evidence, 12 of the grand jury members out of at least 16 necessary for a quorum must vote to indict.

Although our attorneys cannot be present while you are testifying to the grand jury, you will not be alone because we can be outside the room to consult with you at your discretion.

An indictment is issued to formally charge you with a federal criminal act. It means enough grand jurors believe there is probable cause to indict, but it is not a guilty verdict. That will be decided at a federal trial with 12 jurors deliberating. It is critical to consult with a Windermere federal crime attorney to negotiate with prosecutors using the evidence we independently uncover or to defend you at trial.

Contact A Windermere Federal Crime Attorney As Soon As You need Assistance

Whether you have received a federal citation for poaching wildlife in the Everglades or a subpoena in a bank robbery case, the federal government must still prove you guilty of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Our attorneys understand the federal court system and how a U.S. Attorney operates.

Despite the limitless budget the government receives to prosecute cases, it must still prove them. And although it may seem daunting to face the government in federal court, you are not alone. We have a track record of success against federal prosecutors and will protect your rights while we fight for your freedom. Call a Windermere federal crime lawyer now.

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    Windermere Federal Crime Lawyer