Tavares Car Accident Lawyer

Collisions between passenger vehicles are one of the most common causes of personal injury lawsuits. These accidents frequently result in severe, life-altering injuries that can be incredibly expensive. It could be possible to recover compensation for the physical, financial, and emotional hardships that occur from these accidents with the help of a skilled personal injury attorney.

You have the right to seek justice when a negligent driver injures you in an accident and you also have the right to seek legal counsel to guide you through the process. It could be in your best interest to seek the guidance of a Tavares car accident lawyer before you negotiate a settlement or file a lawsuit on your own.

Types of Car Accidents

No two car accidents are exactly the same. While numerous factors go into the cause of a motor vehicle collision, there are certain situations that are more likely to produce one.

Understanding the type of car accident can be helpful, as it can provide a plaintiff with a clear picture of what it will take for an injury case to be successful. A Tavares car crash attorney could explain what goes into a successful injury case and guide the injured party through every step of the process.

Side-Impact Collisions

Side-impact collisions happen when the side of a motor vehicle is damaged in an accident. These accidents can occur when the sides of two vehicles collide and is known as a sideswipe or broadside collision. Alternatively, there are also T-bone accidents that involve the front of a vehicle crashing directly into the side of another.

Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents happen when a driver loses control and the car turns over sideways, sometimes flipping and rolling. This type of accident is highly dangerous, especially if drivers and passengers are not buckled in, possibly producing traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord damage.

Head-On Collisions

As the name suggests, a head-on collision occurs when the front of two vehicles strike each other. This accident often occurs when vehicles are traveling in opposite directions and one drifts into the other lane.

Rear-End Collisions

Maybe the most common type of vehicle accident, the rear-end collision, occurs when the front of a car strikes the back of another vehicle. This accident is most common at stop lights when the rear driver fails to stop in time to avoid a collision.

Understanding Comparative Negligence

One of the primary roles of a motor vehicle accident attorney in Tavares is determining who was at fault for a crash. In some cases, more than one party could share that fault. According to state law, a plaintiff that was partially liable for an accident could still be entitled to damages.

The legal guideline that applies in this situation is pure comparative negligence. Under this system, a plaintiff is not barred from seeking compensation in an accident case even when they are partially at fault. However, the compensation they recover is limited by the extent of their liability. For example, a plaintiff that is 40 percent at fault would see their damages reduced by 40 percent. They cannot recover damages at all if it is over 50 percent.

Talk to a Tavares Car Accident Attorney Today

Car accidents can be traumatic events that might seriously change the course of your life. Recovering from these injuries can be a long, challenging, and costly process.

Pursuing a civil suit with the help of a Tavares car accident lawyer cannot undo your injuries but it could provide you financial resources necessary to help you move forward. Call right away to learn more from The Umansky Law Firm.

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    Tavares Car Accident Lawyer