Orlando Juvenile Burglary Lawyer

juvenile burglaryIt’s a serious concern when a person under the age of 18 is arrested for a crime because it can be difficult for young people to overcome the stigma of an arrest. If they’re convicted, that has a significant impact on their future. Many juveniles who get arrested and convicted of crimes struggle to find employment and suitable housing after facing the penalties for their actions.

One of the most serious juvenile offenses in Florida is burglary. Anyone under the age of 18 who is charged with burglary faces serious consequences. If your child or loved one has been charged with a crime like a burglary, there’s no time to waste in hiring an attorney who will work tirelessly to defend them. In Central Florida, you can trust The Umansky Law Firm with your child’s case. We believe everyone deserves a second chance.

What is Juvenile Burglary in Orlando?

Juveniles are charged differently than adults in Florida. When a juvenile is charged in juvenile court, they’re not considered a criminal but a delinquent minor. In some cases, however, juveniles can be charged as adults.

Burglary is a serious offense whether a juvenile is charged as an adult or a delinquent minor. According to Florida Statute 810.02,  burglary means:

“ … entering or remaining in a dwelling, a structure, or a conveyance with the intent to commit an offense therein, unless the premises are at the time open to the public or the defendant is licensed or invited to enter or remain.”

It’s important to understand that a juvenile doesn’t necessarily have to break into a person’s home or place of business to face burglary charges. They don’t even have to steal anything. In fact, any person who attempts to break in can face criminal charges.

Juvenile burglary charges are typically tried in adult court. For the prosecution to charge a person under the age of 18 with burglary, they must be able to prove:

  • The juvenile attempted unlawful entry in a dwelling, structure or conveyance with the intent to commit a crime inside, or:
  • Lawful entry into a dwelling, structure or conveyance with the intent to commit a crime, after permission had been withdrawn, or with the intent to commit a forcible felony.

Any young person charged with burglary should prepare themselves to fight against serious penalties by hiring an aggressive criminal defense attorney.

Are there Serious Penalties for Juvenile Burglary?

Individuals under the age of 18 who are tried as a delinquent minor for juvenile burglary will face lesser penalties than those tried as an adult. Common penalties for minors include:

  • Up to 36 months in juvenile detention
  • Fines and restitution payments
  • Long-term probation

Penalties for juvenile burglary become even worse when aggravating factors are at play.

When juvenile burglary is charged as an adult crime, it’s considered a third-degree felony. If convicted or juvenile burglary, a juvenile should be prepared to face serious penalties, including:

  • Up to 5 years incarceration
  • Up to $5,000 in fines
  • Long-term probation

Understanding Aggravated Juvenile Burglary Charges

Aggravation in a juvenile burglary case makes it more likely that the young person will be tried in adult court. Examples of aggravated burglary include:

  • Assaulting a person upon entry or at the time of the burglary
  • Being armed within the dwelling
  • Using a motor vehicle to enter the dwelling
  • Causing property damage greater than $1,000

Aggravated burglary is a second-degree felony. Penalties for aggravated burglary include:

  • Up to 10 years incarceration
  • Up to $10,000 in fines
  • Long-term probation

The best way to prevent incarceration and costly fines is to hire a criminal defense attorney who knows how to build a viable defense strategy.

Viable Defenses for Juvenile Burglary

The best attorneys understand that the most viable defense strategies are based on the details of the case. At The Umansky Law Firm, we use these foundational defense strategies to build individualized defenses that stand up in court. Those defenses include:

  • No viable evidence
  • Entrapment
  • Mistaken identity
  • … and more

When you’re looking for an attorney, it’s important to discuss the best strategies for your case. At The Umansky Law Firm, we take the time to sit down with you and get to know you so we can fight to mitigate the charges you’re facing.

Find a Trusted Juvenile Burglary Attorney in Orlando

Don’t let your life be defined by a single mistake. Contact the attorneys at The Umansky Law Firm today. With more than 100 years of experience, our team of former prosecutors provides a unique point of view with every case. They are knowledgeable in defense strategies for criminal defense cases and more.

Talk to a real attorney now. Call or contact us online to set up your free consultation.

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    Orlando Juvenile Burglary Lawyer