Orlando Juvenile Theft Lawyer

burglarProperty crimes like theft, burglary, car theft, and shoplifting are among the most common crimes that juveniles get charged with committing. If the young person actually did commit the crime – and that’s certainly not always the case – it’s often because they were pushed into it by their peers. One criminal conviction or juvenile delinquency is all it takes to potentially derail your child’s future. We are here to make sure that’s not the case.

If your child is facing criminal penalties for theft or any other property crime, reach out to an Orlando juvenile theft lawyer. The juvenile defense lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm have more than 100 years of combined experience and can help mitigate the serious charges your teen is facing. Having spent time as prosecutors on the state and local level, we understand how the opposition works and can use our insight to always stay a step ahead, best positioning you for a favorable outcome.

Handling Serious Juvenile Charges

The juvenile justice system is supposed to focus on the rehabilitation of young people facing criminal charges. This is why juvenile judges can “sentence” a juvenile offender to counseling or therapy program, after-school, or work program if found guilty of theft, burglary or stealing a car to avoid them having to serve hard time.

Despite this effort to rehabilitate juveniles, many young people in the Florida juvenile justice system enter into plea bargains that may have serious consequences later in life. These include preventing them from:

  • Serving in the military
  • Getting hired for particular jobs
  • Getting financial aid for school
  • Getting future scholarships
  • Finding a place to live

In some cases, the Orlando juvenile theft defense lawyer can persuade the state to send your child to a diversion intervention program, where upon completion, charges will be dropped. Such alternatives are highly beneficial as they keep your child out of jail and their records clean. A great example of  Diversion is Teen Court or the Pay program.

Penalties For Juvenile Theft Charges in the State of Florida

The penalties for a conviction on a juvenile theft charge are serious but differ from adult penalties. In juvenile cases, the judge has more flexibility to assign consequences and determines them based on the specific situation. Some penalties a juvenile may face and resolution options available include:

  • Paying restitution to the victim (a person, store or other entity)
  • Confinement in a juvenile detention facility
  • Paying fines
  • Probation
  • Diversion programs to be completed and charges dismissed
  • Mandatory counseling
  • Community service

A juvenile facing petit theft charges will face sentencing based on the overall monetary value of the taken property. Generally, Florida juvenile courts follow the below guidelines:

Property Valued at $100 or Less

  • Second-degree misdemeanor
  • A maximum fine of up to $500
  • May serve up to 60 days in jail

Property Valued Between $100 to $750

  • First-degree misdemeanor
  • Up to a year in jail
  • Possible fine of up to $1,000

Theft of Property Exceeding $750

Felony level theft charge could result in being tried as an adult, years in jail, and devastating fines.

Whether it’s your child’s first run-in with the law or one of many, the vitality of having an experienced criminal defense cannot be overstated. Your child deserves an attorney who will be laser-focused on their well-being and do everything in their power to help ensure that one poor decision doesn’t define them for years to come.

Contact an Orlando Juvenile Theft & Property Crime Attorney

Our Orlando juvenile theft lawyers have decades of experience defending young people in the Florida juvenile justice system and are fully knowledgeable of the conviction alternatives available to them. We’re here to protect your child’s rights and to help them receive the help needed to stay out of court in the future.

As former state prosecutors and members of the Florida Association of Criminal Trial Lawyers, we have put our experience to work for thousands of families in Central Florida. Our efforts have helped youth avoid unnecessarily harsh punishments and paved the way to get back on track to a successful future. Contact us today for a free case evaluation. Our team of seasoned former prosecutors is ready to fight for you.

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    Orlando Juvenile Theft Lawyer