Can You Name One of the 130 Laws Going Into Effect Tomorrow?

Can You Name One of the 130 Laws Going Into Effect Tomorrow?

Can You Name One of the 130 Laws Going Into Effect Tomorrow?

On Wednesday, Florida will be putting 130 new laws into effect, but most Floridians can’t name a single one of these new laws. We felt that this needed to be addressed, so we broke down a list of the ones we thought you needed to know about and of course the ones we thought were most entertaining.

1) SB 186:

64 ounce beer containers known as “Growlers” may now be filled at your local brewery.

2) HB 225:

All flags flown by governments in Florida must be grown, produced and manufactured in the USA.

3) SB 160:

Rural postal carriers are no longer required to wear a seatbelt.

4) SB 290:

You may now pocket your weapon if forced to leave your home because of natural disaster.

5) SB 264:

Local law enforcement can no longer use ticket quotas.


6) HB 33A: No more sales tax on gun club memberships.

Here are few less amusing, but equally significant laws that will also be taking effect tomorrow:

– SB 248: Certain videos made by police body cameras on private property without approval of the property owner or individual may become exempt from public records.

– HB 7001: Children under the age of 18 are allowed to record any conversation related to sexual abuse or other violent acts.

– HB 133: The statute of limitation for felony sexual battery offenses has been extended from four to ten years.

– SB 766: Drones may not be used to capture images that could infringe on privacy of property owners or occupants.

– HB 269: Terminally ill patients now may have access to certain experimental drugs.

– HB 33A: In addition to the gun membership tax cut, the most notable reduction will be seen on the communication services tax for cell-phone and cable bills.

Can You Name One of the 130 Laws Going Into Effect Tomorrow?