Federal Bond Release in Orlando

After you’re charged with a crime in federal court you are given a date to appear in court. At your first court appearance, the judge will determine whether you can be released on bail. The nature of the charges and your criminal history often determines whether the judge allows you to post bail or whether you will be held in prison. The court also determines the terms of your release. If you are facing federal charges, it is imperative to understand how being released on bond works and what you should expect on the other side.

How Does Bond Work in Federal Court?

When most people think about a bond or bail they expect their release to be accompanied by a request for a cash payment. Federal bonds, however, rarely include cash payments. Instead, they require the individual facing charges to obtain co-signers who agree to help ensure they return to court.

Examples of federal charges include:

  • Federal bank robbery charges
  • Federal firearm charges
  • Federal sex trafficking charges
  • Federal drug trafficking charges
  • Federal identity theft charges

Before the court determines your bail, you and your family members will be interviewed by a pretrial officer. It is the job of the pretrial officer to discover as much information about your personal history, criminal history, and behavior as possible. It’s in your best interest to have your attorney present for any conversations with a pretrial officer. If they attempt to talk to you without your attorney present, remember you are not required to answer their questions.

Who Determines My Bond?

Although the pretrial officer’s report and makes recommendations regarding the terms of your bond, the federal judge has the final say. They decide if you are released and the conditions of your release. Common bond conditions include:

  • Mental health treatment
  • Drug testing
  • Rehabilitation
  • Electronic monitoring
  • Restricted travel
  • Curfew
  • Revoked driver’s license

The purpose of bond conditions is to encourage you to keep your court date and appear in court. More serious charges are often accompanied by serious bond conditions. If you are caught breaking any pretrial conditions, you will likely have to return to court immediately and face being taken into custody.

Do I Need a Co-signer On My Bond in Federal Court?

Individuals who are released on bond will need a co-signer to sign for their release. Co-signers must be:

  • An adult over 18 years of age
  • Employed
  • Financially responsible
  • Approved by the US Attorney’s Office

It can be difficult for some people to find a co-singer who qualifies to sign for their release. That’s why it is essential to find an attorney who is on your side and who will fight for you. The attorneys at The Umansky Law Firm understand how to interpret bond conditions and can help you determine your best options for co-signers. They will walk alongside you and your co-signer throughout the entire process to ensure you are never alone.

Get an Attorney for Federal Bond Release in Orlando

At The Umansky Law Firm we believe that your life shouldn’t be defined by a single mistake. Call us today. We are committed to fighting for your second chance and work tirelessly to represent you throughout the entire criminal process from pretrial to your final hearing until the end. With more than 100 years of experience, our team of former prosecutors provides a unique point of view with every case. They’re knowledgeable in defense strategies for criminal defense cases and more.

Talk to a real attorney now. Call or contact us online to set up your free consultation.


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    Federal Bond Release in Orlando