Orlando Title IX Defense Lawyer

When you are accused of violating Title IX, your college or university will investigate the allegations. A Title IX proceeding could involve investigations and hearings before the school’s disciplinary counsel, but because it is not a criminal offense, you are not guaranteed the same rights and protections you would be in court. While there are federal guidelines to protect the person who made the accusation and the person accused of the alleged misconduct, your due process and other rights are at risk of being violated.

With your educational and professional future hanging in the balance, you should contact an Orlando Title IX defense lawyer to discuss your case. At The Umansky Law Firm, we ensure your side of the story is told and that your rights are protected through the process. Losing your job or academic status due to sex-based discrimination can radically alter your future. Our dedicated college student defense attorneys will work with you to understand the facts of your case and develop a strong defense strategy.

Whether you go to UCF, Seminole State College, Rollins College, or the University of Florida, you may be at risk of a Title IX violation – that applies to both students and faculty members.

The Title IX Investigation Process and Hearing

Title IX is a federal anti-discrimination law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex for colleges and universities that receive federal funds. It prohibits a wide range of conduct, including, among other things:

The Title IX process is complex and can be overwhelming to students and their families. After an accusation is made, there will be an investigation into the alleged misconduct. The investigator will review the details of accusation and interview the complainant, respondent, and potential witnesses. Then there will be a hearing to review the merit of the alleged violation.

Students, faculty members, and staff have rights during the Title IX investigation process. Based on due process and federal regulations, those accused of misconduct have the right to review the evidence, present their case, and cross-examine witnesses. The person conducting the investigation must be impartial and is required to resolve the allegations in a timely and fair manner. There is a right to a hearing, and in some circumstances, an appeal.

In the wake of an allegation, an Orlando Title IX defense attorney could ensure your rights are protected and that this incident does not have lasting consequences.

Defending Against a Title IX Accusation

A Title IX attorney can provide helpful insight as to how to defend against allegations in Central Florida. A successful defense depends on the facts of a particular case, but our attorneys could provide guidance throughout the process, prepare you for a hearing before the disciplinary council, ensure the school adheres to Title IX procedure, and negotiate with the school’s attorney to come to a resolution.

Common defenses include: lack of evidence of wrongdoing, mistaken identity, or asserting that the violation did not revolve around one party’s sex (such as if a male professor gave out an academic punishment to a female student).

If you are found to have violated Title IX at your college or university, you can be subject to academic probation, suspension, and expulsion. Other potential ramifications include losing your scholarships and other professional, graduate, or athletic opportunities. If the violation also breaks Florida law, you might end up with criminal charges as well.

Be sure to contact our Orlando attorneys to represent you in a hearing – and in a criminal case, if it comes to that.

Hire an Orlando Title IX Defense Attorney When You Are in Trouble

When you hire an Orlando Title IX investigation lawyer, you increase your chances of a favorable outcome. A professional defense attorney can review the accusations and evidence to develop a defense strategy. In many cases, serious consequences like suspension or expulsion can be avoided with the assistance of an attorney.

An allegation of student misconduct on your record can put your future at risk. We represent students, faculty members, and staff accused of Title IX violations at colleges and universities across Central Florida. To learn about your rights during the Title IX investigation process, contact our office for a free consult.

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    Orlando Title IX Defense Lawyer