Possession of Slot Machines in Florida

Possession of Slot Machines in Florida

Possession of Slot Machines in Florida

Slot machines are electronic gaming devices that people play for the chance to win money or other prizes. Although you might think that having a slot machine in your possession is a completely innocent way to have fun or make money, you’re wrong. In Florida, slot machines are only permitted according to Statute 551 or in casinos on Native American land.

If you’re facing charges for possession of a slot machine, you should know that you’re not alone. The knowledgeable attorneys at The Umansky Law Firm are experienced in defense strategies for possession of slot machines and are eager to assist you in your case.

Understanding Laws Regarding Slot Machine Possession in Florida

Chapter 551 of the Florida Statutes outlines all of the laws regarding possession of slot machines. All slot machines owned by businesses and individuals must meet the necessary qualifications and follow specific guidelines for operation. Chapter 551 defines rules for slot machines including:

  • Gaming areas
  • Hours of gaming
  • Slot machine rulemaking
  • Slot machine licensure

Any person interested in owning a slot machine should consult Chapter 551 of the Florida Statutes before making their purchase. If a person does not obtain the appropriate licensure for a slot machine, any actions related to the slot machine are illegal including:

  • Renting 
  • Owning
  • Transporting
  • Selling
  • Manufacturing
  • Possessing

If you face any charges related to possession of slot machines, the best course of action is to consult a local attorney regarding a viable defense strategy. The sooner you contact an attorney following your charges, it’s likely they will be able to mitigate the charges you face.

What are the Penalties for Possession of Slot Machines?

Possession of a slot machine without the appropriate licensure is a serious offense. In Florida, Possession of Slot Machines is considered a second-degree misdemeanor crime. Common penalties for second-degree misdemeanors are:

  • Fines up to $500
  • Up to 60 days incarceration 
  • Probation

Any person found guilty of more than one offense is subject to more severe penalties including increased fines and prolonged incarceration. Likewise, businesses without the appropriate licensure can face up to $100,000 in fines and lose the ability to obtain licensure in the future.

Viable Defense Strategies for Possession of Slot Machines in Florida

Possession of Slot Machines is a defendable charge in Florida. A knowledgeable defense attorney will understand how to create a viable defense strategy for the charges and work hard to gather all the evidence surrounding the case. The most common defense strategy for Possession of Slot Machines is unlawful search and seizure.

When you hire a trusted attorney it’s important to inform them of all the details surrounding your case so they can build the best defense possible for you. Good defense attorneys will get to know you and your case to help mitigate the charges you’re facing. They can also work to reduce your penalties before you need to appear in court.

Charged With Slot Machine Possession in Orlando? Hire an Aggressive Criminal Defense Attorney

Don’t let your life be defined by a single mistake, everyone deserves a second chance – including you. In Orlando, there’s no better law team than the attorneys at The Umansky Law Firm. With more than 100 years of combined experience, our team understands what it takes to create a defense that stands up in court. As former prosecutors, they also bring a unique point-of-view to every case.

If you’ve been charged with Possession of a Slot Machine in Florida, contact the lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm today. Call 407-890-0336 or contact us online for a free consultation. 

Possession of Slot Machines in Florida