Orlando Playground Injury Lawyer

Defective playground equipment can turn a day of fun and recreation into a sudden trip to an emergency room. Schools and parks providing swings, slides, and other means of enjoyment for a child must ensure quality maintenance and ongoing safety of their playground. When they fall short, innocent children can suffer serious injuries. An Orlando playground injury lawyer is here to help.

At The Umansky Law Firm, we understand the emotions that parents experience when their children have been hurt. Our premises liability attorneys provide caring and compassionate advocacy during difficult times and fight to maximize compensation following a playground accident.

Orlando Playground Injury Facts

Over 200,000 playground injuries occur annually in the U.S. alone, leaving children hurt, and parents footing the hefty medical bill. For severe injuries that may lead to a long-term disability that requires accompaniment, parents can easily find themselves having to afford medical equipment like crutches or a wheelchair.

When your child suffers an injury as the result of a third party’s negligence, you have the right to pursue compensation to cover accident-related damages. A few potentially liable parties in a playground injury case include:

  • The equipment manufacturer
  • The playground owner
  • The contractor who installed the equipment

There are also many others who may be liable depending on the intricacies of your case in particular. This is why it is essential for you to contact a personal injury lawyer who can make you aware of your legal options and guide you through the claims process.

Protecting the Rights of Injured Children and Their Parents

An improperly attached swing can send an unsuspecting child flying through the air uncontrollably. A poorly constructed slide can collapse or tip over, putting your son or daughter in danger of serious injury. While playground equipment is supposed to be built for durability, a manufacturing defect or lack of maintenance could lead to tragedy.

You do everything you can to keep your children safe – you would rely on your local parks and playgrounds to provide everything safely. The last thing you want is another person’s negligence putting your child’s life in danger. You may blame yourself for a situation like this, but it isn’t your fault. Get with a playground injury attorney that handles these situations to get the justice you deserve.

We combine our experienced, knowledgeable, and aggressive fact-finding approach with the help of experts knowledgeable about playground equipment. We find out how the accident occurred and identify the party responsible. From there, we will build a claim to maximize compensation for the possible life-changing injuries your child suffered.

Contact an Orlando Playground Injury Attorney, Day or Night

If your child has been injured in a playground accident, you want caring and compassionate attorneys who will fight to get your full and fair compensation for your losses. At The Umansky Law Firm, we provide the same aggressive representation to all personal injury clients, regardless of the severity of their injuries. We can help you recover compensation for:

  • Medical equipment
  • Pain and suffering
  • Past, present, and future medical bills
  • Ongoing rehabilitation and medical care
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity

Call or contact our Orlando playground injury lawyers anytime, day or night, for a free consultation.

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    Orlando Playground Injury Lawyer