DUI Pretrial Diversion Program in Orlando

Is this your first drunk driving (DUI) offense? If so, you may be eligible for a pretrial diversion program. This type of program is an alternative to jail and other serious penalties, much like probation is an alternative punishment for a criminal conviction. We’ve broken down everything you need to know about the traditional way in which these types of programs are handled.

Likewise, it’s important to note that new updates to the DUI pretrial diversion programs in Orlando have been implemented in response to COVID-19, the corresponding tightening state budget, persistently large caseloads, and a robust community and jail population. The goal of these updates is to maintain offender accountability, reduce recidivism and therefore public safety, community engagement, administrative efficiency, and cost savings. Upon the defendant entering into the diversion agreement, the criminal proceedings shall be suspended.

In addition, there are special considerations for participation in the DUI PTD program:

  • The driving pattern or decision to drive must not have created a serious threat to the safety of the public
  • The case must not have involved a collision
  • There is no prior alcohol-related driving history, regardless of the disposition of the charge
  • Must not have previously participated in a DUI diversion program

Prior Pretrial Diversion Program Requirements

To be eligible for a standard pretrial diversion program, you must be:

  • Facing misdemeanor or DUI charges
    • Individuals facing felony charges are not eligible
  • Have no more than one prior misdemeanor sentence for a different offense
  • Have no previous dismissals, convictions or sentences for a similar offense
  • Have no previous felony sentences
  • Be a legal resident of the United States
  • Have approval of the Office of the State Attorney
  • No previous alcohol/drug-related driving arrests, dismissed charges or convictions
    • This applies to individuals attempting to obtain approval for a DUI-related pretrial diversion program

Orlando Pretrial Diversion Program Benefits

If you successfully complete the program, you are guaranteed a dismissal of the DUI. The program has many requirements, including:

  • Community service, approximately a minimum of 50 hours
  • DUI level 1 school
  • Treatment and/or counseling if required by the program
  • Victim impact class
  • Random urine screening
  • 10-day vehicle impoundment/immobilization
  • Six-month ignition interlock device

Our attorneys will explore all options available and determine if participation in a pretrial diversion program is the most advisable course of action for your case.

Contact us to See if You Are Eligible for a DUI Pretrial Diversion in Orlando

While the requirements can seem strict and time-consuming, a DUI diversion program can be a viable option for many who desire a second chance. Don’t wait any longer, call our lawyers or contact us online.

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    DUI Pretrial Diversion Program in Orlando