Lake Mary Cocaine Lawyer

A cocaine charge can derail your life, leading to fines and prison time, and making it difficult for you to move forward in life. Even once you have served your time, the penalties may continue as you struggle to secure employment. When you find yourself fighting cocaine charges, having a trustworthy drug defense lawyer on your side will be essential.

Do not let the prosecution take advantage of you – call our Lake Mary cocaine lawyer to help craft a viable defense.

The Legal Penalties for Cocaine Conviction

Under Florida Statutes § 893.13, cocaine convictions in this state can lead to different penalties based on the amount of cocaine found in your possession. If you are convicted of possession of less than 28 grams of cocaine, the third-degree felony penalties can include:

  • Up to five years in prison
  • Probation
  • A fine of up to $5,000
  • Losing your driver’s license for up to two years

These penalties can leave you with significant losses well beyond the actual conviction or sentence.

First Degree Felonies

If you are convicted of possession of more than 28 grams of cocaine, the court may charge you with trafficking, which is considered a first-degree felony. Penalties typically vary based on the amount of cocaine found in your possession and other factors, including whether you sold or distributed cocaine to others. Furthermore, using or distributing cocaine within 1,000 feet of a place of worship, park, or school can carry a first-degree felony conviction. Penalties can include:

  • Up to 30 years in prison
  • Probation
  • A fine of up to $10,000

In some cases, cocaine trafficking can carry a life sentence, so you need to speak with a Lake Mary lawyer as quickly as you can.

Civil Challenges Related to Cocaine Conviction

Even once you have served your time or finished your sentence, you can end up facing significant challenges following a cocaine conviction. Many people struggle with:

  • Difficulty obtaining a job
  • Ongoing financial difficulties due to fees, costs related to jail time, and a break in income
  • Relationship challenges

Addressing these challenges can make it difficult for many people convicted of cocaine possession to rebuild their lives.

Establishing a Cocaine Conviction

When establishing a cocaine conviction, the burden of proof rests with the prosecution. They will need to establish several key facts. First, they will need to show that the police found you with cocaine either directly on your person or under your control. Next, they will need to show that you knew the substance was cocaine. If they cannot establish those key factors, they cannot move forward with a cocaine conviction.

Defenses for Cocaine Conviction

Your Lake Mary lawyer will work with you to understand all the terms of your cocaine charge and seek out the best defense possible. Common defenses for cocaine conviction include:

  • Lack of possession: If the prosecution cannot establish that you had cocaine, you can use it as a defense
  • Lack of knowledge: You did not know that the substance in your possession was cocaine
  • Unlawful search and seizure: The police did not follow legal proceedings when discovering the drugs, including adhering to the requirements laid out by the Fourth Amendment
  • Entrapment: Law enforcement professionals set you up to commit a crime that you would not have committed under other circumstances
  • Chain of custody issues: The drugs were not properly documented and moved through the chain of custody, so there is a question about the authenticity of the conviction

The right defense can prove essential when fighting against cocaine conviction. A criminal defense lawyer can advise you about the right way to move forward.

Hire a Lake Mary Attorney to Fight Your Cocaine Charges

Having a lawyer on your side can make a big difference in the outcome of your cocaine charges. A lawyer can:

  • Guide your interactions with law enforcement professionals
  • Provide advice about the right defense for your specific case
  • Seek out evidence that will help establish your innocence
  • Fight to help protect your freedoms

A cocaine conviction can mean substantial loss of freedoms and impact on your finances. Not only that, felony charges can impact every area of your life in the years following your conviction. Having a trusted defense lawyer can prove essential to protecting your freedoms and seeking the best possible outcome for your case. If you are facing cocaine charges, reach out to The Umansky Law Firm today to speak with Florida’s first choice for a second change.

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    Lake Mary Cocaine Lawyer