My Spouse Was Arrested. Now What? 

My Spouse Was Arrested. Now What? 

My Spouse Was Arrested. Now What? 

The unthinkable has happened: you just received a call that your significant other has been taken into custody. What do you do? For starters, breathe and know that you are never alone in this situation. While you are probably feeling overwhelmed and afraid, here are three steps to take if you find yourself in this unfortunate scenario.

Remind Your Spouse They Have the Right to Remain Silent

Being charged with a crime is a serious accusation and anything your spouse says in the heat of the moment can be used against them in court. Even with good intentions, speaking up on their behalf could come back to harm your loved one’s case. It is crucial to remind your spouse to stay composed and exercise their right to remain silent during an arrest. Many police officers wear devices, such as body cameras, that document a person’s every move. It is essential for your spouse to stay quiet so that nothing gets misconstrued or taken out of context.

Get in Touch with a Lawyer

If you find that your loved one has been arrested, hire an experienced defense attorney to support your spouse during this difficult time. If brought on early, one of our lawyers can investigate immediately and will be well prepared to fight their case. When dealing with a criminal offense, it is common for loved ones to feel anxious or even depressed. At The Umansky Law Firm, we not only represent our clients with great care but we serve as counselors to navigate them and their family through the process from beginning to end. Our clients are our top priority, and with the proper knowledge and dedication, we steer good people out of bad situations.

Remain Calm and Get Back to Normalcy

While you probably never expected to deal with a situation like this, you should know that thousands of other individuals are going through the same. As much as you may want to help, stay calm and do not discuss the case with your spouse in jail, or with anyone else. All calls are monitored and may be brought up during a trial. It is best to get back to your daily routine and let your attorney handle the case. By following these protocols, your significant other will feel safer. Contact our office today to receive the proper assistance you need.

My Spouse Was Arrested. Now What?