The juvenile court system in Florida was designed to rehabilitate, not punish, young people who make bad decisions because their reasoning ability is not yet mature enough to understand there are consequences for actions. Although that is a good thing, this is also one of the states that is apt to charge a teen as an adult, which can devastate their future.
If you are the parent of a teen who is arrested for a crime, it is not the end of the world, and can be the beginning of your teen’s journey to a productive future when they realize how much they could lose. Our compassionate defense attorneys are committed to improving your child’s life after this mistake. Call a Bell Isle juvenile defense lawyer at once.
In the juvenile court system, parents may be able to meet with representatives from the Department of Children and Families (DCF) who will explore whether there are better ways to address the child’s actions. DCF can also make recommendations to the prosecutor to avoid criminal charges, but if charges are filed, the teen will attend a hearing with a juvenile judge, who decides on potential conviction and what the sentence might be.
If your child is caught in the juvenile justice system, it is imperative to work with our Belle Isle lawyer. Your child is entitled to be represented throughout this process, and an attorney experienced in child criminal cases can be an empathetic advocate who will work in the child’s best interest.
The Florida Juvenile Justice System has identified the most common crimes young people commit, including:
Juveniles are also charged with more serious crimes by the Orlando Police and Orange County Sheriff’s Office, such as crimes involving firearms or violence. When a teen is arrested for a crime, a Belle Isle lawyer should be consulted to protect the accused’s rights and fashion a defense to mitigate the charges.
Every juvenile is entitled to present a defense for the judge to consider before determining a suitable disposition of the case. Often, the teen arrested is mistaken for another person who did commit the crime. If the teen was not inclined to commit the crime, but law enforcement pressured and persuaded them, an entrapment defense may be appropriate. The prosecutor must also prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the teen is guilty, and lack of evidence will sink a case. Police often fail to read teens their rights and have been known to conduct illegal searches.
Judges in Florida have a wide berth in determining the punishment a juvenile will face for their role in committing misdemeanors and felonies. If charged as an adult for a violent crime, a teen can face prison, fines, probation, and the stigma of adult felonies. The state Supreme Court cracked down on laws that favored young offenders with the chance for early release if they were sentenced to terms exceeding 20 years. Now, that chance has been rescinded.
Juveniles can also be sentenced under the youthful offender statutes and through guidance found in the Juvenile Delinquency Benchbook to detention in a juvenile facility, probation, extensive supervision, and community service.
Other ramifications to juvenile charges and convictions include losing college acceptance and federal student loans. If a teen participates in criminal activity while attending Valencia College or any other, the student can be expelled under its Code of Conduct. Convictions impact the ability to secure housing, jobs, and bank loans. Your teen’s bad judgment in one situation should not erase a bright future. Our Belle Isle attorneys advocate for teens and empathetically help them rebuild toward that future.
Many adults were just lucky as teens and were never caught drinking under the stadium bleachers, taking someone else’s property on a dare, or painting graffiti on a neighbor’s garage. Although many crimes are far more serious, teens are impulsive and their brains are not fully formed until their 20s.
Teens make mistakes. Our defense attorneys understand the pitfalls children encounter, and we are ready to smooth the way to adulthood by representing teens accused of a variety of crimes and indiscretions. A Belle Isle juvenile defense lawyer is waiting to talk with you and your child – call us today.
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