Failure to Report a Conviction or Plea for Lawyers in Orlando

Failure to Report a Conviction or Plea for Lawyers | Umansky Law FirmIf you’re a legal professional, you already know that the process of becoming a lawyer isn’t for the faint of heart. Going to law school and passing the bar is an enormous undertaking in terms of time commitment and financial investment, and your motivation at times can depend on knowing what’s really good about the profession and being able to glimpse it on the horizon. That is, once you do finally reach the point at which you begin practicing law, your impact on society is critical to upholding justice. Attorneys give others a sense of security to pursue their life goals, knowing someone will have their back if they need it.

Despite the arduous process of becoming a lawyer in the state of Florida, you can lose the ability to practice law in the blink of an eye with just a single misstep. If you’re a licensed attorney in Orlando who’s been convicted of a criminal offense, it’s crucial that you report it to The Florida Bar. Failing to do so may lead to additional consequences, including permanent revocation of your license to practice law and detrimental personal and legal ramifications. Fortunately, there are other lawyers you can turn to when facing your own set of legal issues. At The Umansky Law Firm, we’re passionate about helping other lawyers and fervently protecting their interests.

Why Is It Important for Lawyers to Report a Conviction or Plea?

If you’re a Florida lawyer, a criminal violation may result in even harsher penalties for you than for someone who doesn’t hold a Florida license or certification. Not only may you face the standard penalties connected with the crime, but you also may see additional consequences associated with your job. These penalties can only worsen if you try to hide your conviction from The Florida Bar. There are strict reporting requirements for Florida lawyers convicted of a crime, whether they enter a plea or receive a guilty conviction. Failing to report may result in additional penalties beyond the statutory consequences handed down by the State.

If you’re facing disciplinary action for failing to report your conviction or plea to The Florida Bar, it’s crucial that you contact a legal professional at The Umansky Law Firm as soon as possible. Losing your license will hurt your ability to provide for yourself and your family. With an experienced attorney by your side, you may be able to sidestep any issues and avoid further harm to your reputation. If you’ve been convicted or have entered a plea deal, it’s crucial that you attain experienced legal counsel when possible to safeguard your career.

What Happens If You Fail to Report a Conviction or Plea Deal to The Florida Bar?

If a Florida lawyer fails to report their conviction or plea deal to The Florida Bar, they may face penalties including fines, probation, a letter of reprimand, license suspension, or license revocation. Transgressions that may result in disciplinary action include the conviction of any crime independent from their profession or the following license-related encroachments:

  • Fraud, dishonesty, or deceit
  • Failure to account for assets
  • Failure to keep complete records
  • Failure to disclose a conflict of interest
  • Charging disproportionate fees
  • Participating in an unauthorized field of law

For help protecting your rights, get in touch with the sympathetic and experienced license defense lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm. We understand the stress that comes with these types of cases and are committed to compassionately standing by your side throughout the legal process.

Contact an Orlando Professional Law License Defense Lawyer

If you’re an Orlando lawyer who’s been convicted of a crime and failed to report it to the Florida Bar, it’s crucial that you seek professional legal help as soon as possible. To help safeguard your professional career and protect your rights, look no further than the expert license defense lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm. We’re dedicated to helping fellow lawyers out of jams and are committed to upholding justice.

With over 100 years of combined experience, our team of experienced attorneys has the expertise and resources to investigate your case and pursue an outcome that’s in your best interests. We understand the ins and outs of Florida’s administrative laws and will remain committed to protecting you from any additional penalties and harm to your reputation. Contact us or complete our contact form today to schedule a free consultation.

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    Failure to Report a Conviction or Plea for Lawyers in Orlando