Becoming aware of your criminal charges can be an overwhelming experience. As you hear the judge read them aloud, your heart seems to sink into your stomach, and you begin to picture your fate. How did all of this come to be?
While committing a crime, many people fail to realize the full extent of their actions and how they can translate into additional charges. A key example is an instance where an individual steals a car. If he hops in an unoccupied vehicle and speeds off, he is looking to get grand theft and possibly reckless driving charges. However, if the same person was to drag the driver out of the car and take off speeding with a child in the backseat, he is likely to face kidnapping and assault charges in addition to the initial charges.
As someone facing several charges, it is vital that you do not succumb to the pressure of the circumstances. Instead, seek the services of a local attorney. The criminal defense lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm have over 100 years of combined legal experience. With a legal team consisting of former prosecutors at the state and local level, our attorneys have in-depth knowledge of the legal system and can use it to your advantage. Through one-on-one consultations and thorough research and analysis of case specifics, we can construct a strong defense for your criminal case. Trust a Winter Haven criminal defense lawyer to fight to the end for you.
The legal system defines criminal acts as either violent or non-violent. Violent crimes are those that involve the use of force to inflict harm on someone else. Non-violent crimes, like cyber fraud, do not involve the use of any such force, but the actions are still prohibited. Winter Haven is a prime area for property crimes like burglary and robbery, but there is always a chance of violent crimes to occur. Examples of both include:
Each criminal offense has specific penalties and precedents set in previous cases. What remains true in all criminal matters is that the prosecution is more likely to get a conviction if the charges go uncontested. This is why it is crucial that you are proactive in acquiring legal representation in the days following your Winter Haven arrest.
The days following an arrest vary case-to-case. Sometimes an individual is able to come up with the bail money and spends his days waiting for his court date at home rather than in a jail cell. What seems to happen more often though is that the accused cannot collect the funds necessary to post bail and must remain in jail until they see the judge. No matter your situation, it is vital that you maintain your ability to reason and use this precious time to speak with a local criminal defense attorney.
The Winter Haven criminal defense lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm are skilled legal professionals who share a passion for justice. With over 25 years of experience, William Umansky has long represented the people of the Greater Central Florida area and has put together a team of attorneys who he is proud to say is better than him. Allow us to put our legal knowledge to work for you! Contact us today for a free case evaluation.
The Umansky Law Firm Criminal Defense & Injury Attorneys