Whether you were injured when another canoe recklessly rammed into yours on Lake Idamere, or a drunk driver plowed into your car on State Road 441, trauma to the spinal cord is life-altering. You could suffer from the milder conditions including dizziness, tingling in the limbs, and loss of bowel or bladder function, to the more permanent conditions, the worst of which is paralysis. When someone else is totally or primarily responsible for your catastrophic injuries, you are entitled to compensation that may not make you whole again but goes a long way toward validating your claim and helping you recover.
You have one chance to recover it to pay for your recuperation and see you through if your injuries are permanent and preclude you from returning to work. People who are reckless or negligent should pay for the damage they create. If you are injured in an accident caused by another, a Tavares spinal cord injury lawyer with a track record of recovering high-dollar awards could help you put your life back together.
The human spinal cord is a sophisticated communications system where nerve signals allow your muscles to move. When the spinal cord is injured, those signals are compromised, and when it is severed, they can prevent movement below the injury. The neurological level of your injury is that lowest point below the trauma. Physicians determine completeness, when no sensations remain below the injury; or incompleteness, when some sensation or movement occurs below the injury.
This assessment is crucial in determining how much compensation you will require for what could amount to a lifetime of rehabilitative care. Whether your spinal cord injury is the result of an accident that requires a Tavares lawyer to negotiate with an insurance company, or file a lawsuit, now is the time to get the money to compensate you for life-changing losses.
If a physician diagnoses a spinal cord injury as complete, the resulting disability must be factored into how much money your Tavares lawyer will fight for so you can live comfortably with dignity. Your costs may include:
You may also be eligible for wage replacement, reimbursement for any personal property losses, and a jury-determined dollar amount for your suffering and the loss of some aspects of your relationships with your spouse and children. A Tavares spinal cord injury attorney could negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, but if a settlement offer is unacceptable, we may file a lawsuit to get you the compensation you deserve.
Insurance companies have a duty to maximize shareholders’ profits. One way they do this is to offer the lowest settlements they can get away with to those injured in accidents caused by their clients. As your advocate, we do not let adjusters minimize your spinal cord injuries. Some lawyers will suggest you accept a settlement because they do not like to litigate. Our attorneys get results as skilled negotiators and litigators.
To prevail in negotiations or litigation, the plaintiff’s attorney must prove the defendant caused the spinal cord injury by breaching the duty they have to behave like a reasonable person in a similar situation. If your injuries are the direct result of unreasonable acts, you should be compensated. Unreasonable acts could include driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and causing a wreck, failing to inspect a property for dangers, or rushing a product through manufacture without proper testing.
Our law firm does not settle for insurers lowball offers, and if a better one is not negotiable, we take cases to court. We know you have only one chance to get the money you need for your care after a major personal injury.
Contact us now and tell us your story. Once we know the circumstances of your injury, we can create a plan to get you compensation through an insurance settlement or by filing a lawsuit. A Tavares spinal cord injury lawyer will fight for you, so schedule a free consultation now.
The Umansky Law Firm Criminal Defense & Injury Attorneys