Trespassing on School Grounds in Orlando

kids leaving school property

You’re on summer vacation from college and decide to visit your alma mater to see some old friends and your favorite guidance counselor. You find your way on campus and start making your way around your old stomping grounds, reminiscing at every turn. Suddenly, you’re stopped and questioned by a resource officer asking who are you and what’s your business on campus. You tell him you’re just visiting and he asks you to leave. You ignore and continue to wander around and the next thing you know, you’re being escorted into the back seat of a squad car for trespassing on school grounds in Orlando.

Such instances are frequent and only one of the many ways one could end up facing a charge for trespassing on school grounds. Do not make the mistake of assuming the charge is a frivolous one. Waste no time in acquiring the legal services of a trespassing lawyer and reach out to The Umansky Law Firm to discuss your legal options

Penalties for Trespassing on School Grounds

Florida § 810.097(1)(a)(b) defines trespassing on school grounds as:

“Any person who does not have legitimate business on the campus or any other authorization, license, or invitation to enter or remain upon school property; or is a student currently under suspension or expulsion; and who enters or remains upon the campus or any other facility owned by any such school…”

The term “school” includes all private or public learning institutions (kindergarten, elementary, middle, junior high, secondary, and high school). School property also extends to include school buses as well.

Any school employee has the right to detain the suspect for a reasonable amount of time until law enforcement arrives. Trespassing on school grounds is a misdemeanor in the second degree with punishments that vary depending on whether or not the individual received a prior warning.

Trespassing with no Prior Warning

Trespassing on school grounds with no prior warning is a misdemeanor in the second degree punishable by:

  • Up to 60 days in jail
  • Up to $500 in fines

Trespassing After a Warning

Trespassing on school grounds after receiving a warning from the principal or one of his or her designees is a misdemeanor in the first degree punishable by:

  • Up to one year in jail
  • Up to $1,000 in fines

Defenses to Trespassing on School Grounds

The Orlando trespassing lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm have experience mitigating trespassing charges for first-time and repeat offenders. Some of the most efficient defenses we can present for your charge include:

  • Unclear school boundaries
  • Mistaken identity
  • Property not deemed a school as described in the statute
  • Having a legitimate reason for being on the property
  • No prior warnings or ambiguous prior warnings

Call an Orlando Attorney After Trespassing on School Grounds

We have over 100 years of combined experience representing those of the Orlando area for trespassing on school grounds and can help you refute these damaging charges. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

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    Trespassing on School Grounds in Orlando