Orlando Robbery Lawyer

arrested for robbery in orlando

A robbery occurs once every 24 minutes according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). These include everything from bank robberies to home invasions. What they all share in common is the possibility of landing the accused in prison and responsible for paying hefty fines. Depending on your criminal history and aggravating factors, mandatory minimum sentences may increase, and restrictions upon release may become more severe.

No matter if you are a first-time offender or repeat offender, being accused  of felony robbery charges should prompt you to take action. The Orlando robbery lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm are here to help mitigate all charges you’re up against. Our team of seasoned theft defense attorneys can analyze the facts of your case and pursue the most favorable course of action.

The Difference Between Robbery and Burglary

The crimes robbery and burglary are often confused, but key differences separate the two. The most significant is that burglary is the unlawful entry to a residence or building with the intentions of committing a felony while a robbery involves person-to-person contact and the use of threat or intimidation.

Florida Statute 812.13(1) defines robbery as:

“…the taking of money or other property which may be the subject of larceny from the person or custody of another, with intent to either permanently or temporarily deprive the person or the owner of the money or other property, when in the course of the taking there is the use of force, violence, assault, or putting in fear.”

Criminal Penalties for Robbery in Orlando

The penalties for a robbery charge have much to do with the type of robbery that allegedly occurred as well as the value of what was stolen. With these factors determined, prosecutors can suggest a sentence best correlating with the severity of the crime.

Robbery with a Deadly Weapon

Robbery with a deadly weapon is a first-degree felony. A weapon is considered deadly if it is used or threatened to be used to produce great bodily harm or death. One must not necessarily use the weapon or possess from the onset of the robbery. Simply having it in one’s possession at any point during the robbery will suffice. The criminal penalties are as follows:

  • Minimum 34.5 months in prison
  • Up to 30 years in prison
  • Up to 30 years of probation
  • Up to $10,000 in fines

Sudden Snatching Robbery

Sudden snatching robbery is a felony in the third degree. To commit this crime, one must take money or property from a victim’s person with the intent of temporarily or permanently depriving ownership. The victim must also be aware of or become aware of the taking as it occurs. The criminal penalties are as follows:

  • Up to five years in prison
  • Up to five years probation
  • Up to $5,000 in fines

If the individual is armed at the time of the robbery, the crime is upgraded to a second-degree felony punishable by 15 years in prison.

Home Invasion Robbery

Home invasion robbery is a first-degree felony. One commits this crime when they force entry into an occupied home, threaten the inhabitants with violence, and dispossess belongings. The criminal penalties are as follows:

  • Up to 30 years in prison
  • Up to 30 years probation
  • Up to $10,000 in fines

Robbery with a Firearm

Robbery with a firearm is a first-degree felony. One does not need to use the firearm for this charge to be presented; simple possession of the firearm is grounds enough for the charge to be relevant. The criminal penalties are as follows:

  • Minimum 48 months in prison
  • Up to life in prison
  • Up to life probation
  • Up to $10,000 in fines

If the alleged robber discharges the firearm during the robbery, penalties will likely increase. There are several types of firearm-related robbery charges, including Strong Arm Robbery. Contact The Umansky Law Firm to learn more about specific defense depending on the nature of the alleged crime.

Get Defense Counsel from an Orlando Robbery Attorney

The Orlando robbery lawyers at The Umansky Law Firm have over 100 years of experience representing the people of the Greater Central Florida area and helping mitigate criminal charges. This is best accomplished through the implementation of proven effective defense strategies. Some of the most viable defenses to robbery accusations include:

  • Claim of right
  • Actual innocence
  • Entrapment
  • Duress
  • Afterthought

Contact us today for a free case evaluation from an experienced attorney who can further explain your criminal defense options.

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    Orlando Robbery Lawyer