Orlando Domestic Violence Injury Lawyer

The courts in Orlando treat domestic violence allegations seriously. This goes beyond criminal court, which can result in jail time and no-contact orders against the accused. Domestic violence can also be litigated in civil court. The victims of domestic violence have the right to pursue a civil lawsuit against their abuser for their injuries.

Pursuing a civil case following domestic violence can be challenging, especially on your own, but a compassionate personal injury attorney could advocate for you after this terrible ordeal. It could benefit you to discuss your case with an Orlando domestic violence injury lawyer and hold an abuser accountable for the losses you have suffered.

What Constitutes Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a form of violent crime—including assault, battery, sexual assault, and stalking—that targets a family or household member. The term “household member” is intentionally broad and includes:

  • Spouses
  • Former spouses
  • Children or siblings
  • Co-parents
  • Roommates
  • Blood relatives

Not every act of domestic violence or abuse will lead to a viable case for compensation. While every act of domestic abuse is a serious matter, a civil claim is only viable when there has been a physical injury. What’s more, these cases are generally viable when the abuser has the assets to provide fair compensation. This means that they have over $100,000 in assets or own their own business. A domestic violence injury attorney could help a victim in Orlando determine whether legal action will yield a positive result in a lawsuit.

Possible Compensation for Domestic Violence Victims

The potential compensation in these cases is no different than any other personal injury claim. An Orlando domestic violence injury attorney could talk with a claimant about how this incident has affected their life and pursue the following types of damages:

  • Medical bills
  • Therapy costs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Diminished future wages
  • Disability
  • Mental anguish
  • Disfigurement

The value of a personal injury case might not always be immediately clear to a victim. There are numerous types of damages that could be available, and some of them might not be obvious to someone without legal training. Working with experienced legal counsel could ensure a domestic violence victim seeks every type of compensation they are eligible for.

The Deadline to File a Lawsuit

There is a deadline that applies to any civil lawsuit and domestic violence injury claims are no exception. For years, Florida has had one of the longest statutory periods in the nation. This allowed plaintiffs ample time to file legal action against their abusers. Plaintiffs generally had four years to file a lawsuit against their abuser.

In 2023, several changes to the law went into effect. Many of these changes altered the way personal injury lawsuits are handled in the state, such as reducing the statute of limitations from four years to two years. This two-year window applies to any act of domestic violence that occurs after the day the bill was signed – March 24, 2023. Given the recent changes to the law, it is important to find legal help and speak to an Orlando domestic violence injury attorney as soon as possible.

Call an Orlando Domestic Violence Injury Attorney Today

No one should have to experience abuse in their own household. When these acts occur, it is helpful to remember that there is more than one option to address this violence. In addition to pursuing criminal charges, it is also possible to hold an abuser accountable through a civil case for compensation.

You deserve compassionate legal counsel that is ready to serve as your advocate. Reach out to The Umansky Law Firm Criminal Defense & Injury Attorneys, and speak with an Orlando domestic violence injury lawyer to discuss your options.

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    Orlando Domestic Violence Injury Lawyer