Options For Resolving Your Criminal Charge in Florida

Options For Resolving Your Criminal Charge in Florida

Options For Resolving Your Criminal Charge in Florida

So you may be wondering, what are your options after you have posted bond and have left jail. Where do you go now?  Perhaps you weren’t eligible for bond, or the posted amount was too much for you and family to cover. Resolution of a criminal case does not always mean incarceration.

Options to Resolve Your Criminal Case:

  • Diversion programs
    Monthly reporting, class attendance, and community service are required, similar to probation. You do not have to admit guilt and charges are dismissed upon completion of the program. Programs involve the following:
  • Pretrial Diversion
    Offered by the State Attorney’s Office and usually an option for first-time, non-violent offenders. Length of the program is usually six to 12 months, depending on the severity of the charges (misdemeanor or felony) and how quickly it can be completed.
  • Pretrial Intervention
    Open to repeat offenders required to report regularly, submit to drug evaluation and treatment, and complete other court-ordered requirements. In addition, a participant must not be arrested again. Charges are dropped upon successful completion.
  • Drug Court
    Diversion program for repeat drug offenders and those with serious addiction problems. Duration is up to 24 months and involves treatment and group therapy.

Other Defense Options

  • Plea Negotiations
    When a diversion program is not an option, criminal matters can be resolved by withholding the formal adjudication of guilt, being placed on probation, or charges being reduced or dismissed.
  • Litigation
    Motions to suppress involve police not having probable cause or valid consent to stop and search you or your home. Motions to dismiss result from old cases, trials where rights were violated, or the so-called undisputed facts do not support the crime.

Contact The Umansky Law Firm

You may also be wondering what your options are as far as payment options for retaining a lawyer at the firm.  This is something we’d be glad to discuss as well. To schedule a free initial consultation with an Orlando criminal defense attorney at The Umansky Law Firm, contact us through this website or call (407) 228-3838.

Options For Resolving Your Criminal Charge in Florida